Why would you need a vulvectomy?

Why would you need a vulvectomy?

Why vulvectomy is done Cancer of the vulva. Precancer of the vulva (vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia) Skin cancer (melanoma) on the vulva. Severe skin disease, such as lichen sclerosus.

What is a simple vulvectomy?

In a simple vulvectomy, the entire vulva is removed (the inner and outer labia; sometimes the clitoris, too) as well as tissue just under the skin. A partial or modified radical vulvectomy removes part of the vulva, including the deep tissue.

How long is simple vulvectomy?

If the cancer has spread to the area around the vulva, including some tissue around the groin a Radical Vulvectomy is done. Your vulva and the area around your vulva will be taken out during this surgery. Expected length of stay for a Vulvectomy is 1 day and for a Radical vulvectomy up to 2 days.

What does a radical vulvectomy mean?

Listen to pronunciation. (RA-dih-kul vul-VEK-toh-mee) Surgery to remove the entire vulva (the external female genital organs, including the clitoris, vaginal lips, and the opening to the vagina) and nearby lymph nodes.

Is a vulvectomy outpatient?

Skinning or simple vulvectomy may be performed on an outpatient basis if the patient is an appropriate candidate. Full and radical vulvectomy patients can typically be admitted to the floor, if the patient does not have confounding comorbidities or extensive blood loss during the surgery.

Is a vulvectomy painful?

Risks and side effects of vulvectomies As with any surgical procedure, vulvectomies carry possible postoperative risk factors or side effects. Following surgery, the site may be swollen, bruised and painful. Depending on the extent of tissue removal, the vulva may be noticeably different in appearance.

How is a vulvectomy performed?

During surgery The surgeon makes one or more incisions on the vulva before removing the tumor or area of concern and surrounding tissue. Depending on the severity of cancer, they may also remove some or all of the lymph nodes in the groin. Reconstruction of the vulva may happen directly after vulvectomy.

How do you care for a vulvectomy?

Home Care After Your Vulvectomy

  1. Each time you urinate or have a bowel movement, you must rinse your vulvar area very well with warm water.
  2. Use the squirt bottle you were given. Gently pat dry with a soft towel to prevent any skin breakdown.
  3. Dry this area very well using a blow dryer.

What should I do after vulvectomy?

How do you care for a Vulvectomy?

What is the technique of radical vulvectomy?

Technique of Radical Vulvectomy The goal of radical vulvectomy is to remove the primary lesion to the depth of the perineal fascia with a 2-cm circumferential margin. Ipsilateral or bilateral inguinofemoral lymph nodes are harvested based on the size and laterality of the lesion, as discussed previously.

What are the different types of vulvectomy?

The variations of simple (or superficial) vulvectomy can be classified as partial or total, depending on the extent of tissue excised. The purpose of partial simple vulvectomy is to remove the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the vulva affected by disease.

What is the difference between a simple vulvectomy and wide excision?

A wide local excision is an option for treating VIN or other vulvar lesion with a removal of skin and minimal underlying tissue. In a simple vulvectomy the entire vulva is removed (the inner and outer labia; sometimes the clitoris too) as well as tissue just under the skin. This is not commonly performed.

What are the surgical principles of a partial simple vulvectomy?

Surgical principles for partial simple vulvectomy dictate only that a visibly disease-free margin of tissue be excised, usually 3 to 5 mm, and that the full thickness of the involved skin or mucosa is removed. Additional subcutaneous tissue may be excised to facilitate wound closure as needed.

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