What are propulsion pods?

What are propulsion pods? POD is one type of azimuth propulsion consisting of an integrated electric motor / propeller unit mounted on the same shaft, installed in a gondola under the stern of the ship. Typical of the evolved POD propulsion is that the propeller pulls the ship as opposed to the conventional, less efficient […]

Is Mercury and Venus conjunction good?

Is Mercury and Venus conjunction good? They make brilliant romantic authors, musicians, actors, and writers. But, the ride doesn’t end there. Since Mercury is our business and management skills, while Venus is our creativity, this conjunction shows someone who makes a successful businessman and their creativity leads them to the top of their game. What […]

How does dielectric constant affect solubility?

How does dielectric constant affect solubility? Water has a very high dielectric constant and this allows salts to dissolve in water with dissociation. The dielectric constant tells us how well the solvent is able to separate ions. Coordination of water molecules around the anion and the cation greatly reduces the ion-ion attraction in the salt. […]

How do I add a Case Statement in SQL query?

How do I add a Case Statement in SQL query? SQL CASE Statement CASE. WHEN condition1 THEN result1. WHEN condition2 THEN result2. WHEN conditionN THEN resultN. ELSE result. Example. SELECT OrderID, Quantity, CASE. WHEN Quantity > 30 THEN ‘The quantity is greater than 30’ Example. SELECT CustomerName, City, Country. FROM Customers. (CASE. Can we use […]

What are cabbage rolls made of?

What are cabbage rolls made of? A cabbage roll is a dish consisting of cooked cabbage leaves wrapped around a variety of fillings. It is common to the cuisines of Central, Northern, Eastern and Southeastern Europe and much of Western Asia, Northern China, as well as parts of North Africa. What are Ukrainian cabbage rolls […]

What is Publication 501 at the IRS?

What is Publication 501 at the IRS? Publication 501 discusses some tax rules that affect every person who may have to file a federal income tax return. It answers some basic questions: who must file, who should file, what filing status to use, and the amount of the standard deduction. Are federal taxes public information? […]

Is Spice legal in Arizona?

Is Spice legal in Arizona? The use, manufacture, trafficking, and possession of synthetic drugs is considered illegal in Arizona and comes with harsh penalties. Many people have already been charged with misdemeanor and felony offenses involving possession and distribution of synthetics such as ‘Spice’ and ‘bath salts. ‘ What is the drug potpourri? Similarly, “herbal […]

How different is Ladino from Spanish?

How different is Ladino from Spanish? Ladino preserves many words and grammatical usages that have been lost in modern Spanish. It also has a more conservative sound system—for example, f and g sounds still occur where modern Spanish has an h (not pronounced), as in Ladino fijo, fablar versus Spanish hijo, hablar, and Ladino agora […]

What is the best program to write scripts?

What is the best program to write scripts? Best Script Writing Software Celtx. WriterDuet. StudioBinder. Scrivener. Highland 2. Movie Magic Screenwriter. Slugline. Storyist. With the increasing popularity of digital books, more people are looking for a way to make their writing process easier. How do you write a screenplay on a Mac? To write a […]

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