How do you fix a subscript out of range?

How do you fix a subscript out of range?

Explanation: the ‘subscript out of range’ error pops up because there’s no 4th worksheet. To fix this error, change the 4 to a 1, 2 or 3 (or insert a new worksheet by clicking the plus sign).

How do I fix runtime error 9 subscript out of range?

How to Fix the Runtime Error 9: Subscript Out of Range

  1. Go to “Start” > “Control Panel.”
  2. Click “Windows Update” to see if there are any updates available for your computer.
  3. Click “Check for Updates” and then download and install any recommended files.

What does dim do in VBA?

VBA DIM statement stands for “declare” that you must use when you need to declare a variable. When you use it, it tells VBA that you are declaring a specific name as a variable as assigning a specific data type to it.

What is runtime error 9 in Excel macro?

Subscript Out of Range (Run time: Error 9) Subscript Out of Range Error (Run Time: Error 9) occurs when you refer to an object or try to use a variable in a code that doesn’t exist in the code, in that case, VBA will show this error. As every code that you write is unique, so the cause of the error would be.

What is the difference between dim and set in VBA?

Dim is used for declaring the object name and type, “Set” is to assign a value to it.

What does as long mean in VBA?

“Long,” as the name says, it should hold the value of something big. “Long” is a numerical data type in VBA Excel. The long data type in Excel VBA can hold the values from 0 to 2, 147, 483, 647 for positive numbers, and for the negative number it can hold from 0 to -2, 147, 483, 648.

What does subscript out of range mean in Excel macro?

Subscript out of range is an error we encounter in VBA when we try to reference something or a variable which does not exist in a code, for example, let us suppose we do not have a variable named x but we use msgbox function on x we will encounter subscript out of range error.

What is the difference between set and dim?

Set Statement Assigns an object reference to a variable or property, or associates a procedure reference with an event. Right out of the documentation. Scripts without Dim statements that declare each variable have omitted the declaration Option Explicit near the head of the script.

Why we are using dim in VBA?

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