Who invented Kecak?

Who invented Kecak?

Bali Kecak dance is created by a Balinese dancer named I Wayan Limbak with collaboration with Walter Spies, a painter from Germany. They started to create this dance in 1930. These people had found their interested in a spiritual Balinese dance.

When was Kecak created?

The dance first appeared in 1930, after Balinese Dancer, Wayan Limbak worked together with German painter Walter Spies to create a dramatic performance version of the Sanghyang by incorporating the epic Ramayana saga. They took the innovation on a world tour, thus the dance became popular ever since.

What does the kecak dance represent?

Kecak Dance is said to originate from a Balinese ancient ritual called Sanghyang, aimed as a form of exorcism or to repel evil spirits in which dancers fall into a trance.

What is kecak Theatre?

Kecak dance is one of the regular traditional dances of the island of Bali, which offer concept is a dance drama. Most of the dance drama stories in the Kecak dance are based on the Ramayana story. Of the many Balinese dances, the Kecak dance has its uniqueness when compared to other Balinese dances.

Why is Kecak called the fire dance?

The “fire” in the Kecak fire dance comes when Ravana tries to burn Hanuman alive, and of course, it’s depicted in the dance by burning a few bunches of wood which burn brightly but quickly into beautiful floating embers.

What is unique about Kecak?

Kecak Dance is not accompanied by musical instruments A unique thing about Kecak Dance is that it has no musical instruments that accompanied the whole performance. The dance is simply accompanied by the a capella chorus from the dancers. Make sure you don’t miss watching Kecak Dance while you’re in Bali.

Who performs Kecak?

The Kecak dance is performed by more than a dozen dancers; in fact, it might contain the most dancers on stage at any one time of all of Bali’s famous dances. The choir group consists of 50 or more male dancers who perform very basic routines.

What is unique about the kecak dance?

A unique thing about Kecak Dance is that it has no musical instruments that accompanied the whole performance. The dance is simply accompanied by the a capella chorus from the dancers. Make sure you don’t miss watching Kecak Dance while you’re in Bali.

How is kecak performed?

Also known as the Ramayana monkey chant, the dance is performed by a circle of as many as 150 performers wearing checked cloths around their waists, percussively chanting “chak” and moving their hands and arms.

What happens in a Kecak performance?

The performance reenacts the appearance of the Golden Deer, the abduction of Sita by Ravana, the battle between Ravana and Jatayu, the search for Sita by Hanuman, and ends with the battle between Rama and Ravana. The kecak chanters chant and sing in accordance with the mood and milieu of the story.

What is Kecak Fire dance?

The Kecak Fire Dance is an elaborate performance based on the Hindu epic, Ramayana. It’s performed by about 50 people with a large portion of them being tasked with chanting the famous “chak, chak, chak” sound and performing basic routines while seated on the ground.

What happens in a kecak performance?

Apa itu tari Kecak?

Tari kecak. Penampilan tari Kecak pada penutupan pameran pendidikan di Kolese Kanisius, Jakarta. Kecak (pelafalan: / ‘ke.tʃak /, secara kasar “KEH-chahk”, pengejaan alternatif: Ketjak, Ketjack) adalah pertunjukan dramatari seni khas Bali yang lebih utama menceritakan mengenai Ramayana dan dimainkan terutama oleh laki-laki.

Siapa penari Tari Kecak?

Selain para penari itu, ada pula para penari lain yang memerankan tokoh-tokoh Ramayana seperti Rama, Shinta, Rahwana, Hanoman, dan Sugriwa. Lagu tari Kecak diambil dari ritual tarian sanghyang.

Apakah tarian Kecak diiringi musik?

Tari kecak tak diiringi musik, tetapi hanya tepukan telapak tangan yang memukul bagian-bagian dari tubuh agar menghasilkan suara. Mereka mengucapkan kata-kata “cak, cak, cak” untuk menghasilkan suatu paduan suara unik. Joged Bumbung (Buleleng).

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