Which animals will you see if you visit Kruger National Park?

Which animals will you see if you visit Kruger National Park?

It is possible to see all the classical African big game, including elephant (KNP Elephant Census Summary), black and white rhino, hippopotamus, giraffe, zebra, buffalo, warthog and many antelope species. Large carnivores include lion, leopard, cheetah, wild dog and spotted hyena.

What are the threats to Kruger National Park?

Some of the most harmful human activities on Kruger National Park are poaching, development, and pollution.

Are there vultures in South Africa?

Recent decades have seen an alarming decline in Africa’s vulture populations, with three of South Africa’s eight vulture species (including the once-prolific White-backed Vulture) now regarded as globally Critically Endangered.

How does pollution affect Kruger National Park?

Heavy rains in Phalaborwa over the weekend of 28 to 29 December 2013 contributed to the overflow of the tailings dam. This resulted in highly acidic water being discharged directly into the Selati River just upstream of its confluence with the Olifants River.

How does tourism affect Kruger National Park?

Tourism can provide financial incentives for conservation but a successful tourism strategy must ensure opportunities for high-quality visitor experiences. The Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa’s flagship park, receives 1.4 million visitors annually.

Where do vultures live in Africa?

Native to Africa, the white-backed vulture lives in much of Namibia and South Africa, as well as the tropical forests of West Africa, and is found at elevations as high as 10,000 feet. It also inhabits the equatorial forests of West Africa and areas where acacia grows.

How big is a Cape vulture?

18 lbsCape vulture / Mass

How did Kruger National Park get its name?

The Kruger National Park is a South African National Park and one of the largest game reserves in Africa. Originally known as The Sabi Game Reserve, it became a game reserve in 1898. The park became known as Kruger National Park in 1926, when it was named after Paul Kruger.

What is so special about Kruger National Park?

The Kruger National Park has amazing game viewing opportunities. All of Africa’s iconic safari species – elephant, lion, leopard, cheetah, rhino, buffalo, giraffe, hippo and zebra – thrive here. The Kruger National Park is home to over 12,000 elephants, 27,000 African Buffalo, 2,000 leopards and 2,800 lions.

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