What was the lowest recorded level of Warragamba?

What was the lowest recorded level of Warragamba?

Dam level crises and water restrictions Between 1998 and 2007 the catchment area experienced extremely low rainfall (in December 2004, the dam dropped to 38.8% of capacity, the lowest on record to date) and on 8 February 2007 it recorded an all-time low of 32.5% of capacity.

How many times has Warragamba Dam overflows?

Several areas have sustained record falls, and while the dam — which is about 70 kilometres from Sydney’s CBD — also spilled over in 2012 and 2013, the last major flooding event was in 1990.

When was Warragamba Dam at its lowest?

February 2007
Warragamba Dam dropped to its lowest storage level of 32.5 percent in February 2007. From 2003, water transfers began from Tallowa Dam to Sydney and the Illawarra.

What percentage full is Warragamba Dam?


Storage (recorded date) Warragamba Dam Wednesday 06 April Blue Mountains Dams Wednesday 06 April
Storage Capacity (ML) 2,027,000 2,890
Current Volume (ML) 2,027,000 2,678
Percent Full % 100.0 92.7
Net Change in past week % 0.0 0.6

What would happen if Warragamba Dam failed?

“If the same inflow of water happened now … with the dams already full, western Sydney would be devastated. Penrith would be flooded, right down the Hawkesbury River … Essentially from Penrith all the way down to Richmond you would have major flooding going on.”

What is the largest dam in Australia?

Gordon Dam
Tasmania’s Gordon Dam, one of the largest in Australia, was constructed in the 1970s. It has a catchment area of 1,280 km2 (494 sq mi)….Australian Capital Territory.

Reservoir name (where appropriate) Bendora Reservoir
Waterway(s) impounded Cotter River
Dam type Arch
Purpose(s) Water supply
Reservoir capacity ML 11,540

How big is Warragamba?

The quiet beast. When completed in 1960, Warragamba Dam was the world’s tallest and largest domestic water supply dam. It is 142 metres high, 351 metres long and contains 3 million tonnes of concrete.

When was Warragamba Dam wall raised?

To meet modern dam safety standards, in the late 1980s the dam wall was strengthened and raised by five metres. In the early 2000s an auxiliary spillway was built to divert floodwaters around the dam in a rare and extreme flood so as to protect the dam and ensure it remains safe in an extreme flood.

Who owns Warragamba Dam?

Eraring Energy owns and operates the 50–megawatt hydro–electric power station at Warragamba which generates green power only when there is a high level of water in the lake. WaterNSW officers inspect and monitor Warragamba Dam through a network of more than five kilometres of galleries.

When was wyangala dam last full?

The dam was later enlarged with a rock-fill embankment with a clay core built downstream of the original concrete wall. Enlargement work began in 1961 and finished in 1971.

Where does Warragamba Dam spill to?

This water flows down the Warragamba River into the Hawkesbury-Nepean River and eventually enters the sea at Broken Bay. An auxiliary spillway was completed in 2002 to protect the dam from extreme floods.

How many Litres does Warragamba Dam hold?

2.5 million megalitres
Water is stored in 21 dams, holding over 2.5 million megalitres of water. The Warragamba Catchment supplies Warragamba Dam, Sydney’s most important source of water.

Is Warragamba Dam at 100% capacity?

Warragamba Dam again reached 100% capacity on the 26th of November 2021 and began spilling following a prolonged period of rain in NSW. Warragamba Dam was a popular picnic spot for Sydneysiders, but access to the public was restricted after 1999 due to A$ 240 million of upgrades in that time.

When can I Walk to Warragamba Dam?

Pedestrian access to parts of Warragamba Dam wall is available on weekends and public holidays ONLY between 10am and 4pm , except Christmas Day and Good Friday. Eighteenth Street Warragamba

Could plans to raise the Warragamba Dam wall destroy indigenous art?

“Plans to raise Warragamba Dam wall could see flood destroy Indigenous artefacts, leaked document says”. ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 18 September 2020. ^ a b c Cox, Lisa (17 September 2020). “NSW government ordered to revisit world heritage assessments for Warragamba Dam expansion”. the Guardian.

When did the Warragamba dam overflow 2021?

During a days long severe weather event, affecting much of New South Wales, it overflowed for the first time since 2016 on 20 March 2021. Warragamba Dam again reached 100% capacity on the 26th of November 2021 and began spilling following a prolonged period of rain in NSW.

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