What does sine qua non mean in law?

What does sine qua non mean in law?

“without which not
The phrase sine qua non is Latin for “without which not.” When something is described as sine qua non, it is a necessary or indispensable requirement. The phrase represents an essential element, component, or condition of something else. [Last updated in July of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team] legal theory.

What is an example of sine qua non?

Latin for “without which it could not be,” an indispensable action or condition. Example: if Charlie Careless had not left the keys in the ignition, his 10-year-old son could not have started the car and backed it over Polly Playmate. So Charlie’s act was the sine qua non of the injury to Playmate.

What is sine qua non in economics?

From Longman Business Dictionary si‧ne qua non /ˌsɪni kwɑː ˈnəʊn-ˈnɑːn/ noun [singular] formal something that you must have, or which must exist, for something else to be possiblesine qua non for/ofThe control of inflation is a sine qua non for economic stability.

What is sine qua non pronunciation?

noun. /ˌsɪneɪ kwɑː ˈnəʊn/ /ˌsɪneɪ kwɑː ˈnəʊn/ [singular] (from Latin, formal) ​sine qua non (of/for something) something that is essential before you can achieve something else.

What is sine qua non in business?

Definition of sine qua non : something absolutely indispensable or essential reliability is a sine qua non for success.

What is sine qua non and what language is it?

It was originally a Latin legal term for “[a condition] without which it could not be”, or “but for…” or “without which [there is] nothing”. “Sine qua non causation” is the formal terminology for “but-for causation”.

Is sine qua non italicized?

Sine qua non, meaning an indispensable element, is a loanword from Latin, translating roughly to without which not. It’s always a noun, usually italicized (although italicization is not necessary), and it’s usually preceded by the or a and followed by of.

What is the meaning of term sine qua non in bureaucracy?

Sine qua non (/ˌsaɪni kweɪ ˈnɒn, ˌsɪni kwɑː ˈnoʊn/, Latin: [ˈsɪnɛ kʷaː ˈnoːn]) or condicio sine qua non (plural: condiciones sine quibus non) is an indispensable and essential action, condition, or ingredient.

Should habeas be italicized?

Next time you use the word habeas—as in habeas corpus, the great writ—don’t use italics. The Latin word has become so common in English usage that it doesn’t need slanted letters, according to the latest edition of the U.S. Solicitor General’s style manual.

Should res judicata be italicized?

Do not italicize Latin words and phrases commonly used in legal writing: i.e., e.g. (unless used as a signal in a citation), res judicata, res ipsa loquitur.

Where did sine qua non come from?

Is mens rea italicized?

Mens rea is italicized, but res judicata is not.

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