What is the family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale FACES?

What is the family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale FACES?

The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale IV (FACES-IV) was developed to capture the balanced and unbalanced levels of cohesion and flexibility in families. Although this measure has been shown to be valid and reliable, its length at 62 items limits utility and uptake in clin- ical and research settings.

What is the FACES assessment?

FACES IV is a 24-item, pencil-and-paper, self-report, rapid-assessment instrument developed to measure the Circumplex Model of family function- ing. Four dimensions are measured comprising four subscales: enmeshed, disengaged, chaotic, and rigid.

What is the Circumplex Model of family interaction?

The Circumplex Model suggests that “balanced levels of cohesion and flexibility are most conducive to healthy family functioning. Conversely, unbalanced levels of cohesion and flexibility (very low or very high levels) are associated with problematic family functioning” (Olson, 2011, p. 65).

What is Cohesion and Adaptability?

Cohesion is defined as the emotional bonding that exists between family members, whereas adaptability is the family’s ability to change its power structure, role relationships and rules to respond to situational or developmental needs.

What is family adaptability?

Family cohesion is defined as the “emotional bonding that family members have toward one another,” and family adaptability is defined as “the ability of a family system to change its power structure, role relationships and relationship rules in response to situational and developmental stress”.

What is family flexibility?

Family flexibility is defined as a family’s ability to adapt to change. Context 2. and colleagues (Olson et al., 1979(Olson et al., , 2006) created the “Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale” (FACES IV) to assess family dynamics.

What is the family Assessment Device?

The Family Assessment Device (FAD) assesses structural and organizational properties of families and the patterns of transactions among family members. It has been found to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy families, and has been used in TBI samples.

When was Faces IV created?

FACES IV and the Circumplex Model More than 1,200 published articles and dissertations have used a version of FACES and/or the Circumplex Model of Marital and Family System (Kouneski, 2002) since the first version of the Model was published (Olson, Sprenkle & Russell, 1979).

What are the four levels of family cohesion?

The four levels of cohesion, in ascending order, are (1) disengaged, (2) separated, (3) connected, and (4) enmeshed. In the disengaged family, the members are independent, and the emotional bonds are weak. Limited communication takes place among the members.

What is cohesion in a family?

Family cohesion comprises the emotional bonding between family members and the degree of autonomy experienced by individuals within the family system (12, 13).

What is family cohesion?

What is family system theory?

Family systems theory (Kerr and Bowen, 1988) is a theory of human behavior that defines the family unit as a complex social system, in which members interact to influence each other’s behavior. Family members interconnect, allowing to view the system as a whole rather than as individual elements.

What is the Faces IV scale?

Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES) IV was developed to tap the full continuum of the cohesion and flexibility dimensions from the Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems. Six scales were developed, with two balanced scales and four unbalanced scales designed to tap low …

What are the 4 levels of family cohesion?

There are four levels of family cohesion ranging from extreme low cohesion to extreme high cohesion: disengaged, separated, connected, and enmeshed. There are four levels of adaptability: rigid, structured, flexible, chaotic.

What are the subscales of the Faces-IV assessment?

Based on the Circumplex model. Revised version includes six subscales: two assess the mid-ranges of adaptability and cohesion, and four assess the extremes (rigid, chaotic, disengaged, and enmeshed). Olson DH, Gorall DM, Tiesel JW. FACES-IV package: Administration.

What are the different types of adaptability and cohesion scales?

Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale Based on the Circumplex model. Revised version includes six subscales: two assess the mid-ranges of adaptability and cohesion, and four assess the extremes (rigid, chaotic, disengaged, and enmeshed).

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