What is MOTILIUM used to treat?

What is MOTILIUM used to treat?

Motilium contains a medicine called domperidone. This belongs to a group of medicines called ‘dopamine antagonists’. This medicine is used in adults and in adolescents 12 years of age and older and a body weight of 35kg or more to treat nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting (being sick).

Is MOTILIUM prescription only?

Domperidone comes as tablets or as a liquid that you swallow. It is available on prescription only. It is also known by the brand name Motilium.

Why is MOTILIUM syrup used?

A specific indication is nausea and vomiting induced by dopamine agonists used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (eg, L-dopa and bromocriptine). It is recommended to take oral domperidone (Motilium) 15-30 minutes before meals. If taken after meals, absorption of the drug is somewhat delayed.

Can you give MOTILIUM syrup to a child?

MOTILIUM should not be given to adolescents 12 years of age and older weighing less than 35 kg, or in any children less than 12 years of age, as it is not effective in these age groups. Do not take MOTILIUM if you are taking certain other medicines (e.g. bepridil, diphemanil, methadone).

Is Motilium good for gas?

The MHRA said domperidone (Motilium) should no longer be used to treat conditions such as heartburn, bloating or relief of stomach discomfort, nor should it be used by people with serious underlying heart conditions.

Does Motilium help with gas?

Domperidone works by increasing the movement of food through the stomach and the digestive tract more quickly and in this way reduces the feeling of bloating, or fullness and indigestion. It also works by blocking the action of a chemical in your brain which causes the feeling of nausea and vomiting.

How do you use Motilium for kids?

How should you give your child domperidone?

  1. Exactly as your child’s doctor or pharmacist tells you to.
  2. At the same time every day, unless your child’s doctor tells you otherwise.
  3. For reflux, give the medicine 30 minutes before meals.
  4. If your child is taking liquid medication, measure liquid doses carefully.

How do you use motilium for kids?

How do I give my baby motilium?

Give domperidone just before each main meal (if possible). For young babies, give domperidone four times each day. Wait at least 4 hours between doses. Give each dose just before a milk feed.

Is Motilium good for indigestion?

Domperidone is used to treat nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting (being sick) and to relieve symptoms of indigestion or dyspepsia. Find out how to take it safely and possible side effects. Domperidone is also called Motilium or Prokinex.

Is Motilium good for reflux?

What is Motilium 1mg/ml?

The name of your medicine is Motilium 1mg/ml Oral Suspension (called Motilium in this leaflet). The active ingredient in this medicine is called domperidone. This belongs to a group of medicines called ‘dopamine antagonists’. Do not take Motilium if you are taking medicine to treat: • Fungal infections such as azole anti-fungals, specifically oral

What are the side effects of Motilium?

Side effects related to motilium include Abdominal cramps, Dry mouth, Diarrhea, Nausea, Rash, Itching, Hives, Breast enlargement, Galactorrhea, Breast pain/tenderness, Hypogonadism, Gynecomastia, and Menstrual irregularities).

How should I take Motilium?

take Motilium for longer than 7 days without consulting your doctor. • Take this medicine by mouth. measuring cup provided with Motilium. This cup is marked in ml (millilitres) to help you measure out the correct amount of this medicine.

What are the ingredients in Motilium?

affect the way Motilium works. Motilium in this leaflet). The active ingredient in this medicine is called domperidone. This belongs to a group of medicines called ‘dopamine antagonists’. ketoconazole, fluconazole or voriconazole. older to treat nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting (being sick).

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