What happens to Sofia Petrovna at the end?

What happens to Sofia Petrovna at the end?

In the end, when Sofia Petrovna finally does get word from her son, even that offers only the most limited relief: her world — the entire Soviet world — has become so unmoored and unpredictable that it is impossible for her to take any action.

Why does Sofia Petrovna burn a letter that she has received from her son?

When she finally gets a letter from Kolya, in which he reaffirms his innocence and tells more of his own story, Sofia tries to fight for his freedom again, but realizes that, in this bizarre, chaotic place, she will likely only place more suspicion on herself and Kolya. Out of desperation, she burns the letter.

Is Sofia Petrovna a true story?

Sofia Petrovna is Lydia Chukovskaya’s fictional account of the Great Purge. Her eponymous heroine is a Soviet Everywoman, a doctor’s widow who works as a typist in a Leningrad publishing house.

Where does Sofia Petrovna take place?

the Soviet Union
Sofia Petrovna is set in the Soviet Union in the mid-to-late 1930s, when the Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin, carried out what’s now known as the Great Purge.

What did the Komsomol do?

The Komsomol sought to provide its members with alternative leisure activities that promoted the improvement of society, such as volunteer work, sports, and political and drama clubs.

When was Sofia Petrovna published?

1965Sofia Petrovna / Originally published

What does the term Kulak mean?

wealthy or prosperous peasant
kulak, (Russian: “fist”), in Russian and Soviet history, a wealthy or prosperous peasant, generally characterized as one who owned a relatively large farm and several head of cattle and horses and who was financially capable of employing hired labour and leasing land.

What is Comintern in Russia?

The Communist International (Comintern), also known as the Third International, was an international organization founded in 1919 that advocated world communism, headed by the Soviet Union.

How did Stalin treat the Kulaks?

During the height of Collectivization in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s, people who were identified as kulaks were subjected to deportation and extrajudicial punishments. They were frequently murdered in local campaigns of violence, while others were formally executed after they were convicted of being kulaks.

What was kolkhoz in Russia?

kolkhoz, also spelled kolkoz, or kolkhos, plural kolkhozy, or kolkhozes, abbreviation for Russian kollektivnoye khozyaynstvo, English collective farm, in the former Soviet Union, a cooperative agricultural enterprise operated on state-owned land by peasants from a number of households who belonged to the collective and …

Does the Comintern still exist?

Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, dissolved the Comintern in 1943 to avoid antagonizing his allies in the later years of World War II, the United States and the United Kingdom. It was succeeded by the 1947 Cominform.

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