Is Vincent from Lost still alive?

Is Vincent from Lost still alive?

(Official Lost Podcast/February 5, 2009) Indeed, the final shot of the series showed Vincent alive, lying next to the dying Jack. He and Walt were the main characters and the only ones of the original characters not shown to have died by the end of the series.

Who played Vincent on Lost?

Madison is a Labrador Retriever, and an animal actor best known for playing the role of Vincent the dog on the television series Lost….Madison (dog)

Species Dog
Occupation Actress
Notable role Vincent on Lost
Years active 2004–2010
Rygwood Labradors

Does anything happen to the dog in Lost?

Though Walt’s return never happens on-screen, what happens next can be inferred. Walt’s dog, Vincent, still resides on the island as well after the Lost series finale. In fact, Vincent is one of only a few characters to come to the island in the series premiere, and remain there for the entirety of the series.

How did Vincent survive the plane crash Lost?

Right away, after Vincent’s pact with dark forces allowed him to survive the catastrophic plane crash, he hooked up with the dead spirit of Christian Shephard, who most of us believe to be the Man in Black.

Do we see Walt and Michael again?

After losing a custody battle with Susan Lloyd (Tamara Taylor), Michael does not see his son Walt (Malcolm David Kelley) for almost ten years. They reunite when she dies, but on their journey home, their plane crashes on a mysterious island in the South Pacific.

How long can a dog survive when Lost?

The answer to this question depends on case to case, but most lost dogs do not stay lost for more than half a day. According to the ASPCA, 93% of lost pups are eventually recovered by their owners and there is a 90% chance of finding your lost pup within the first 12 hours of it going missing.

Why did the others take Walt?

More specifically: The Others kidnapped Walt in order to manipulate Michael into luring Jack, Kate, and Sawyer into a trap.

Did anyone actually survive the plane crash in Lost?

Three months after the plane’s crash, six survivors – Jack Shephard, Sayid Jarrah, Hugo “Hurley” Reyes, Kate Austen, Sun-Hwa Kwon and Aaron Littleton (who was unborn to his mother at the time of the crash) – made it off the Island and became known as the Oceanic Six.

What did Eko whisper to Locke?

When Eko died and whispered his final words to Locke, he announced them as “we’re next.” As confirmed in the November 6th podcast, Eko’s final words to Locke were “you’re next.” This provides some ambiguity, though: Eko, in saying, “you’re next,” may have just been referring to Locke.

Was Jacob in the cabin?

Jacob never resided in the cabin, it was always Jacob’s brother that lived there. He was trapped in the cabin by the ash laid around it. When Ilana arrived and noticed that this line of ash was broken, and that the man had likely escaped, she and the rest of the crew were fearful.

What is the whispering in Lost?

He follows them, understanding what they actually are. Here, he finds Michael, who explains that the whispers are people who have died and are stuck on The Island, unable to pass over.

Why did Vincent run away from Walt?

When he told Walt that he can not see Locke, Walt stormed off into the jungle with Vincent. Whilst trekking through the jungle, Vincent detected something and started to bark. As the sound of rustling in the jungle got louder, Vincent suddenly barked madly. Walt was unable to keep hold of Vincent, and he ran away.

What happened to Vincent the dog in the jungle?

Whilst trekking through the jungle, Vincent detected something and started to bark. As the sound of rustling in the jungle got louder, Vincent suddenly barked madly. Walt was unable to keep hold of Vincent, and he ran away. Walt chased after him, dropping the dog’s leash in the process.

What happened to Vincent on the island with the survivors?

Vincent continued to spend time with the survivors on the island, and by the end of the series, he had been adopted by Rose and Bernard who had been living a secluded life on the island. Vincent accompanies Walt as he studies.

What happened to Vincent in Walt Disney’s Winn Dixie?

Vincent originally belonged to Brian Porter, Walt’s adoptive father. Vincent sat with Walt while he was doing his homework one day when a bird slammed into the sliding glass door, killing itself on impact. After Walt’s mother, Susan, died, Michael took Vincent from Brian without his permission.

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