Is dependent atelectasis serious?

Is dependent atelectasis serious?

When you breathe in and out, your lungs inflate and deflate like balloons. But if your airways get blocked or something puts pressure on your lungs, they might not inflate the way they should. Doctors call that condition atelectasis. It can be life-threatening in small children or people who have another lung problem.

Is Mild dependent atelectasis serious?

If enough of the lung is affected, your blood may not receive enough oxygen, which can cause health problems. Atelectasis often develops after surgery. It is not typically life-threatening, but in some cases, it needs to be treated quickly.

What is dependent densities in lungs?

DISCUSSION. Dependent opacity, also termed subpleural dependent density, consists of a stripe of ground glass attenuation 2 to 30 mm thick and is usually seen in the most dependent lung regions. It disappears when the lung is nondependent (3).

What can cause dependent atelectasis?

Factors that make you more likely to develop atelectasis include:

  • Older age.
  • Any condition that makes it difficult to swallow.
  • Confinement to bed with infrequent changes of position.
  • Lung disease, such as asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis.
  • Recent abdominal or chest surgery.
  • Recent general anesthesia.

What does dependent changes in lungs mean?

Gravity-dependent atelectasis refers to a form of lung atelectasis which occurs in the dependent portions of the lungs due to a combination of reduced alveolar volume and increased perfusion. Being due to gravity, it usually has a dependent and subpleural distribution.

What causes atelectasis in the lungs?

Atelectasis, the collapse of part or all of a lung, is caused by a blockage of the air passages (bronchus or bronchioles) or by pressure on the lung. Risk factors for atelectasis include anesthesia, prolonged bed rest with few changes in position, shallow breathing and underlying lung disease.

What is dependent Atelectatic changes?

What does Dependant lung changes mean?

Does atelectasis go away?

Mild atelectasis may go away without treatment. Sometimes, medications are used to loosen and thin mucus. If the condition is due to a blockage, surgery or other treatments may be needed.

What is non dependent lung?

The nondependent lung is relatively over ventilated secondary to increased compliance as the corresponding hemithorax is opened. There is also a difference in perfusion in the lateral decubitus position. Perfusion is higher in the dependent lung secondary to the effects of gravity.

How do you fix atelectasis?


  1. Performing deep-breathing exercises (incentive spirometry) and using a device to assist with deep coughing may help remove secretions and increase lung volume.
  2. Positioning your body so that your head is lower than your chest (postural drainage).
  3. Tapping on your chest over the collapsed area to loosen mucus.

What are the effects of gravity on the lung?

The two key concepts of the effects of gravity on the lung. a) The zone model of pulmonary perfusion. Regional perfusion depends on the relative values of pulmonary arterial pressure (Pa), pulmonary venous pressure (Pv) and alveolar pressure (PA). In zone 1, PA exceeds both vascular pressures and there is no flow.

Why does the lung not deflate under gravity?

Under gravity, dependent regions of the lung reach their local residual volume before the entire lung does and so gas remains trapped in these regions, while the upper regions do not deflate to the same extent.

How does lung volume affect lung density?

Differences in CT density between dependent and nondependent portions of the lung: influence of lung volume Changes in lung volume have different effects on changes in lung density in dependent and nondependent parts of the lung. The largest changes in lung density occur in the dependent regions.

Does gravity affect aerosol dispersion and deposition in the human lung?

Dispersion of 0.5–2 μm aerosol in micro- and hypergravity as a probe of convective inhomogeneity in the human lung. J Appl Physiol 1999; 86: 1402–1409. . Effect of gravity on aerosol dispersion and deposition in the human lung after periods of breath-holding.

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