Why should we avoid violence?

Why should we avoid violence?

Violence affects a significant proportion of the population. It threatens the lives and physical and mental health of millions of people, overburdens health systems, undermines human capital formation, and slows economic and social development.

What is the purpose of violence?

To end suffering, Or some combination of the above. At the time, in the moment, violence makes emotional sense to the perpetrator because it feels “right.” It also feels “free” because social restraints are suspended. And it feels satisfying to let angry impulse rule, anger the most common justification for violence.

How does violence affect a child?

[1] Exposure to violence can harm a child’s emotional, psychological and even physical development. Children exposed to violence are more likely to have difficulty in school, abuse drugs or alcohol, act aggressively, suffer from depression or other mental health problems and engage in criminal behavior as adults.

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