Who is parkparker?

Who is parkparker?

Parker actively donates his time and resources to a number of nonprofit organizations in Savannah, Ga. and leads a city-wide anti-litter initiative. He previously served as chairman of the Mayor’s Business Roundtable and contributed to the Mayor’s Crime Task Force.

Who is Parker’s and Parker’s kitchen?

Greg Parker, the founder and CEO of Parker’s and Parker’s Kitchen, stands apart as one of America’s leading business innovators.

How many children does Parker Middleton have?

Originally from Collins, Ga., Parker is the proud father of three children – Olivia, Bennett and Lily – and lives in Savannah, Ga.

How has Parker’s changed over the years?

Over the past 20 years, revenue at Parker’s has grown by 20% annually, thanks to the visionary leadership of the company’s award-winning CEO. At the same time, Parker has elevated the convenience store industry, exceeding consumer expectations and setting the standard for exceptional foodservice.

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