What VHF frequencies are available?

What VHF frequencies are available?

According to US frequency groups there are four different categories: low-band VHF (49-108 MHz), high-band VHF (169-216 MHz), low-band UHF (450-806 MHz), and high-band UHF (900-952 MHz). The FCC is in control of who operates within each specific band and if anyone has priority over other operators.

What are the main VHF channels?

The most important channels on your VHF radio are 13, 16, 19, 22, and 70. Channel 13 is used by commercial shipping to communicate their actions and confirm passage. Channel 16 (156.8 MHz) VHF-FM is designated by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) as the national distress, safety and calling frequency.

What frequency is marine channels?

Intership Navigation Safety (Bridge-to-bridge). Ships >20m length maintain a listening watch on this channel in US waters. Port Operations. VTS in selected areas….NOAA Weather Radio Frequencies.

Channel Frequency (MHz)
WX3 162.475
WX4 162.425
WX5 162.450
WX6 162.500

What frequency is VHF channel 80?


Table of Transmitting Frequencies in the VHF Maritime Mobile
20 m 157.000
1020 157.000
2020 mm 161.600
80 157.025

Is VHF AM or FM?

Radio frequency range from 30 MHz to 299 MHz. The sub-bands most commonly used by fire are: VHF-FM Lo band: Frequency Modulation 30 MHz – 80 MHz, of which fire frequencies are between 30 MHz and 50 MHz.

What is the DSC channel of the VHF?

channel 70
The VHF DSC channel 70 is used for DSC for distress and safety purposes as well as for DSC for public correspondence. International and national DSC channels separate from the DSC distress and safety calling channel 2187.5 kHz are used for digital selective-calling on MF for public correspondence.

What VHF channel do marinas use?

Channels 68
Channels 68: Recreational vessel radio channel for marinas, yachts, and pleasure craft.

What is a victor frequency?

Unlike the FM tacticals which each have a name, Victor Nets are referred to by frequency. Pilots like to speak quick and succinct so you may only hear them say “nine two five” which would be 122.925 or “two five seven five” for 122.575.

What frequency is DSC?

The frequencies 2187.5 kHz, 4207.5 kHz, 6312.0 kHz, 8414.5 kHz, 12577.0 kHz, 16804.5 kHz and 156.525 MHz may be used for DSC by coast and ship stations on a simplex basis for distress and safety purposes, and may also be used for routine ship-to-ship communications provided that priority is accorded to distress and …

What is the frequency of Channel 16 VHF?

156.8 MHz
VHF Channel 16 is the international distress frequency; it broadcasts on a frequency of 156.8 MHz and is received worldwide by any VHF radio. It is used for distress and emergency calls as well as for informational broadcasts from the Coast Guard.

What is channel 16 on VHF?

Ch 16 is the Distress, Safety and Calling channel. This is used for calling another vessel before moving to a different channel, or for safety and distress transmissions.

Which TV channels are VHF?

Very high frequency is the type of radio frequency electromagnetic waves that range from 30 to 300 MHz. anything lower than this is usually known as high frequency, and all those above it are referred to as UHF. When looking for VHF channels on your TV, these are usually numbered from 2 to 13.

What is VHF frequency range?

Very high frequency (VHF) is the ITU designation for the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves (radio waves) from 30 to 300 megahertz (MHz), with corresponding wavelengths of ten to one meter.

What VHF channel to use?

– Ch. 16 Safety and hailing Emergency mayday calls. Monitor ch.16 at all times. – Ch. 22a U.S. Coast Guard operations channel. – Ch 13 Navigation and piloting. Locks and drawbridges on the ICW. (Florida and South Carolina bridges on ch 9.) Commercial ship-to-ship. – Ch. 9, 68, 69, 71, 72, 78, 82 Working channels for boaters. – Ch 7, 24-28, 84 Marine telephone

Why is a VHF radio is best for an emergency?

Your VHF radio should be your go-to communications in an emergency. The U.S. Coast Guard has a huge network of towers to listen in on distress calls and when you make a call, every other nearby boater with a radio on can also hear you, which increases your chance of getting help.

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