What tense is Ich Mochte?

What tense is Ich Möchte?

möchten conjugation

Present Subjunctive II
ich möcht(e)
du möchtest
er möchte
wir möchten

What is subjunctive II?

Subjunctive II is the form of subjunctive used in wishes and conditional sentences to signal whether a situation is hypothetical or not. Its most common usage is in “if . . . then” statements.

How do you use Mochte?

When Should I Say Möchte, Würde or Hätte?

  1. “Möchte” – in English, this translates into “want”. You’d use this to say that you want something when you’re among friends that you know well or if you don’t care to be extremely polite in a given situation.
  2. “Würde” – this translates into “would like”.

What is the subjunctive tense in German?

In German, Subjunctive I provides a special grammatical form for indicating that someone else’s utterance is being repeated. It is also typically used to connote that the person repeating the utterance of someone else is skeptical about its validity.

Is Möchte a verb?

The modal verbs wollen and möchten are similar in meaning. Both describe something that one would like to have or do, but with a different emphasis. Ich möchte … describes a wish and sounds more polite.

How do you use hatte in German?

The Past Perfect Tense (das Plusquamperfekt) in German: In German, as in English, the past perfect describes a time previous to another in the past. It is constructed just like the present perfect tense, except that the auxiliary “haben” or “sein” is in its simple past form: “hatte” or “war.”

What is German Konjunktiv?

In German, the subjunctive is called the Konjunktiv and there are two of them. Konjunktiv I—which is formed differently from its younger brother Konjunktiv II—is used chiefly for reporting indirect speech and old fashioned commands.

What is Mogen in German?

The modal verb in its infinitive form mögen generally means “to like” and this is the meaning you express if you conjugate it with a -g- in its root (mag). However, the conjugation with -chte (möchte) means “to want/would like”.

What is the difference between Mussen and sollen?

According to its definition, sollen is used if something is not completely obligatory, but it would be really disadvantageous for somebody if the opposite happened, whereas müssen is really strict and utilized to determine rules and laws or if something is an inevitable condition for something else.

How do you use the subjunctive 2 in German?

What is k2 in German?

The Konjunktiv II is a verb form that you will mostly find in indirect speech. You use it when using Konjunktiv I is ambiguous, meaning the verb would be the same as another form of the verb. It can also sometimes be used to express imaginary situations, dreams, suggestions, and recommendations.

When to use wuerde vs werde in German?

German-is-easysays: October 16, 2014 at 9:00 am Well… you only use “wäre” if “sein” is involved in some way in the non-conditional version. You use “wuerde” in present tense, and in theory you can use it for every single verb.

What is the difference between “möchte” “würde” And “hätte“?

The difference between the three ways to say it – the difference between “möchte” (1), “würde” (2) and “hätte” (3) – is the following: 1. “Möchte” – in English, this translates into “want”. 2. “Würde” – this translates into “would like”. 3. “Hätte” – sounds weird but is true: This is exactly the same as number 2.

When to use “würde”?

To give another example of when to use “würde” (or, to be exact, “würde…haben”), if in a nice restaurant asked for your order, the situation would be as follows: Waiter: “Bitte schön?” (Please beautiful – How may I help you?)

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