What temperature do threadfin shad spawn?

What temperature do threadfin shad spawn?

approximately 70°F
Spawning begins in the spring when water temperatures reach approximately 70°F, and may continue into the summer. During spawning, one or more females are accompanied by several males. Like gizzard shad, threadfin shad are most commonly found in large rivers and reservoirs.

Are threadfin shad good for ponds?

Threadfin Shad are cold intolerant and, generally, cannot handle water temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This makes them a more appropriate fit for southern lakes and ponds.

Will shad spawn in a pond?

Whether in a new pond, or in a pond with an established fish population, threadfin shad are most often introduced March through April just prior to spawning.

Where do threadfin shad go in the winter?

In the winter, when the water grows much colder, the shad migrate back out of the creeks and into main lake depths. On some lakes, this can easily be 40 to 60 feet deep.

How many times do threadfin shad spawn?

Spawning temperature: 67-70 degrees. Spawning time: Threadfin spawn during late April in Southern reservoirs. Reproduction Cycles: Threadfin shad can spawn several times per year. It’s not uncommon for threadfin to spawn a second time in mid July, and again in September or early October.

How do you find shad spawn?

– Shad spawn near the bank, usually in creeks and pockets, but some times in the main lake. – Look in the extreme shallows out to about 12 feet deep in most lakes. – Most activity occurs around cover, often including new hydrilla growth, emergent vegetation, floating dock supports and riprap banks.

How often do threadfin shad spawn?

Where can I find threadfin shad?

Threadfin shad can be found in the open waters of sluggish backwaters, large ponds, and reservoirs where they stay close to the inlets of small streams or along the surfaces of dams. They are dependent on light for foraging and will generally stay high in the water column, rarely dropping deeper than 18 m.

How do you catch threadfin shad?

Sometimes the best way to catch them is to hang a light over the side of the boat and just drift in the open water. Afternoons they will move into some coves. Shad move back into the creeks and coves but cold fronts move them out into deeper water. Best bet is to try and get bait before a front hits.

Does shad spawn at night?

Shad primarily spawn throughout the night and rapidly taper off after the first hour or two of sunlight in the morning. If you miss this narrow window, bass can be especially tricky to catch this time of year.

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