What is vitamin B3 used for?

What is vitamin B3 used for?

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is an important nutrient. In fact, every part of your body needs it to function properly. As a supplement, niacin may help lower cholesterol, ease arthritis, and boost brain function, among other benefits. However, it can also cause serious side effects if you take large doses.

Is 500mg vitamin B3 too much?

Niacin in the form of nicotinamide has fewer side effects than nicotinic acid. However, at high doses of 500 mg/day or more, nicotinamide can cause diarrhea, easy bruising, and can increase bleeding from wounds. Even higher doses of 3,000 mg/day or more can cause nausea, vomiting, and liver damage.

What is 500mg of niacin good for?

Niacin is used with a proper diet and exercise program to help lower “bad” cholesterol and fats (LDL, triglycerides) and raise “good” cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It is generally used after non-drug treatments have not been fully successful at lowering cholesterol.

How much vitamin B3 should you take a day?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults 19+ years is 16 mg NE for men, 14 mg NE for women, 18 mg NE for pregnant women, and 17 mg NE for lactating women.

What happens if you lack vitamin B3?

Niacin (vitamin B3) deficiency results in a condition known as pellagra. Pellagra includes the triad of dermatitis, dementia, and diarrhea and can result in death.

Is vitamin B3 safe to take?

At the low DRI doses, niacin is safe for everyone. However, at the higher amounts used to treat medical conditions, it can have risks. For that reason, children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not take niacin supplements in excess of the DRI unless it’s recommended by a doctor.

Can I take 500mg niacin daily?

Adults and children older than 16 years of age—At first, 500 milligrams (mg) per day, taken at bedtime. After 4 weeks, your doctor will increase your dose to 1000 mg per day, taken at bedtime. However, the dose is usually not more than 2000 mg per day.

Does niacin cause weight gain?

Consuming higher doses of niacin by taking supplements is likely effective for treating high cholesterol — and possibly effective for helping with osteoarthritis, hardening of your arteries, heart attack risks, diabetes and cataracts. But taking niacin supplements does not cause weight loss.

Is it OK to take 500mg of niacin daily?

Should I take niacin everyday?

People use prescription niacin (Niacor, Niaspan) to help control their cholesterol. The recommended daily amount of niacin for adult males is 16 milligrams (mg) a day and for adult women who aren’t pregnant, 14 mg a day.

Can you take vitamin B3 everyday?

The recommended daily amount of niacin for adult males is 16 milligrams (mg) a day and for adult women who aren’t pregnant, 14 mg a day.

Can I take 500 mg of niacin a day?

What is niacin (vitamin B3)?

Vitamin B3; Niacin (also known as Vitamin B3) is a water-soluble vitamin and is part of the B complex; this formulation provides 500 mg per serving No-flush delivery; The unique inositol-bound Niacin in this formula allows for gentle, No-Flush delivery of niacin to the body; Provides 400 mg of niacin (as inositol Hexanicotinate) per serving

What does B3 stand for?

There was a problem adding this item to Cart. Please try again later. Vitamin B3; Niacin (also known as Vitamin B3) is a water-soluble vitamin and is part of the B complex; this formulation provides 500 mg per serving

What are the effects of a vitamin B3 vitamin deficiency?

Vitamin B3 Niacin. Because they are codependent in their metabolic activities, a deficiency of one B vitamin can affect optimal functioning of organ systems throughout the body. 1 Niacin is the only B vitamin that can be synthesized in the liver from the amino acid tryptophan — on average, 1 mg of niacin can be synthesized from the ingestion…

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