What is the ZIP postal code of Abu Dhabi?

What is the ZIP postal code of Abu Dhabi?

zip code Of Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates

Pincode : 51133
Address : Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Country : United Arab Emirates

What is the ZIP postal code of Dubai?

Most people in Dubai don’t know how to fill in zip codes and postcodes simply because there are no zip codes assigned for each area in Dubai.

What are ZIP codes in the UK?

Postal codes in the UK are also known as postcodes. The initial postcode system divided London and other large cities in the UK. A full postcode designates an area with a number of addresses or a single major delivery point.

What is the ZIP or postal code for Ghana?

Ghana does not have zip codes instead we use the postal code system. However, if you are in Ghana and you have to fill an international form online but the form requires you to insert a ZipCode, don’t hesitate to key in 00233 or 23321. This will not have any effect on the form.

What is area code of Abu Dhabi?


Location Country Code Landline Area Code
Abu Dhabi +971 (2)
Dubai +971 (4)
Al Ain +971 (3)

What state is Abu Dhabi?

the United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi, Arabic Abū Ẓaby, city and capital of Abu Dhabi emirate, one of the United Arab Emirates (formerly Trucial States, or Trucial Oman), and the national capital of that federation.

What is my area code Dubai?

Where is 07 area code in UAE?

06 Sharjah, Ajman and Umm al-Quwain. 07 Ras Al Khaimah.

How do I find my ZIP code UK?

There are several ways to find out the zip or postal code of any location in the UK, they are:

  1. Go to UK PostCode Website.
  2. On the search form that is in the top right hand of the page, enter in the address, city or county that you want to find its zip.

How do I read a UK ZIP code?

The outward code includes the postcode area and the postcode district, respectively. The inward code includes the postcode sector and the postcode unit respectively. Examples of postcodes are “SW1W 0NY”, “PO16 7GZ”, “GU16 7HF”, and “L1 8JQ”.

Which country zip code is 00233?

Ghana Country Code 233 Country Code GH.

Where is ZIP code 28450?

ZIP code 28450 is located in southern North Carolina and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States.

Where is ZIP code 28401?

ZIP code 28401 is located in southeast North Carolina and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States.

Is 28480 a good city to live in North Carolina?

Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays. ZIP code 28480 is located in southeast North Carolina and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a slightly less than average population density.

What is ZIP code 284?

ZIP code 284 is one of 920 three-digit ZIP Codes in the country. Many countries use similar postal zones to make the mail delivery more efficient, although they do not have ZIP Codes exactly. We currenty provide postal code maps maps for the United States only.

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