What is the use of AS?

What is the use of AS?

In formal writing, like is used as a preposition, telling where, when or how the noun in the sentence is doing whatever it may be doing. As is used as a conjunction, joining two clauses.

Does Since mean because?

A: While “because” does imply cause, “since” can imply time or cause. It means that most of the time these words are synonymous and you can use either one. Since my dog is so hairy, I have to get its hair cut regularly.

Should I use since or because?

According to the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual (p. 84), the use of since is more precise when it is used to refer only to time (to mean “after”). You should replace it with because when that is what is really meant.

What is the use of since?

In English, we use since to refer to a point of time. Since can refer to a point after a specific time or event in the past. Or it can refer to a particular point beginning sometime in the past and continuing until the present time.

What is the meaning of since?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1 : from a definite past time until now has stayed there ever since. 2 : before the present time : ago long since dead. 3 : after a time in the past : subsequently has since become rich.

Had been meaning?

“Had been” is the past perfect tense and is used in all cases, singular and plural. The past perfect tense refers to something that began in the past and was still true at another time that also was in the past.

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