What is the Tok presentation out of?

What is the Tok presentation out of?

Theory of Knowledge (ToK) is an IB course that, combined with an Extended Essay, accounts for three out of a total 45 IB points. The ToK presentation accounts for 33 percent of one’s overall IB ToK grade.

What are the 5 areas of knowledge?

TOK distinguishes between eight areas of knowledge. They are mathematics, the natural sciences, the human sciences, the arts, history, ethics, religious knowledge systems, and indigenous knowledge systems. The knowledge framework is a device for exploring the areas of knowledge.

How can we know that current knowledge is an improvement upon past knowledge?

The ideas that rely on past knowledge are more likely to be better developed since the evidence used to back claims is better developed. Therefore, the knowledge that is premised on past ideas is more likely to be better developed than the knowledge that is unique or new.

What are the areas of knowledge in Tok?

Areas of knowledge TOK distinguishes between eight areas of knowl- edge: mathematics, the natural sciences, the human sciences, the arts, history, ethics, religious knowledge systems, and indigenous knowl- edge systems.

Is intuition a source of knowledge?

As such, intuition is thought of as an original, independent source of knowledge, since it is designed to account for just those kinds of knowledge that other sources do not provide. Knowledge of necessary truths and of moral principles is sometimes explained in this way.

How do you structure a theory of knowledge presentation?

The TOK Presentation Structure

  1. Slide 1: Title Page (1 minute)
  2. Slide 2: Decontextualization (1 minute)
  3. Slide 3: Knowledge Question (1 minute)
  4. Slide 4: Development #1 (3.5 minutes)
  5. Slide 5: Development #2 (3.5 minutes)
  6. Slide 6: Development #3 (3.5 minutes)
  7. Slide 7: Conclusion (3 minutes)

How do you get an IB?

To earn an IB Diploma, you have to go to an IB-approved school (called an “IB World School”) and meet the requirements, which include taking classes in the six subject groups, passing the IB exams, and completing three additional core requirements.

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