What is the synonym of barter?

What is the synonym of barter?

Find another word for barter. In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for barter, like: trade, exchange, bargain, business, substitute, sell, traffic, swap, business.

What is slowed down synonym?

deceleration, decline, delay, downtrend, downturn, drop, drop-off, falloff, slackening, stagnation, strike, arrest, freeze, inactivity, retardation, slack, stoppage, slow-up.

What is the synonym word for slow?

easy, gradual, heavy, lackadaisical, leisurely, lethargic, moderate, passive, quiet, reluctant, sluggish, stagnant, dull, low, stiff, tame, tedious, time-consuming, dumb, limited.

What is another word for very slowly?

In this page you can discover 36 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for slowly, like: gradually, languidly, moderately, leisurely, unhurried, gently, haltingly, silently, sluggishly, sluggish and briskly.

What are antonyms for barter?

antonyms for barter for

  • forfeit.
  • lose.
  • surrender.
  • market.
  • sell.

What is the synonym and antonym of barter?

ˈbɑːrtɝ) Exchange goods without involving money. Antonyms. tune dissimilate detransitivize focus. exchange change.

What is slowed down?

phrasal verb. If something slows down or if something slows it down, it starts to move or happen more slowly. The car slowed down as they passed Customs. [ VERB PARTICLE] There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development. [

What is the synonym of batter?

Some common synonyms of batter are cripple, maim, mangle, and mutilate. While all these words mean “to injure so severely as to cause lasting damage,” batter implies a series of blows that bruise deeply, deform, or mutilate.

What is the opposite of barter?

What is the opposite of barter?

withholding retainment
keeping holding

What is a antonym for the word barter?

What is trickle?

1 : to run or fall in drops. 2 : to flow in a thin slow stream. 3 : to move slowly or in small numbers Customers trickled in.

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