What is the definition of allegory in literature?

What is the definition of allegory in literature?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines “allegory” as a “story, picture, or other piece of art that uses symbols to convey a hidden or ulterior meaning, typically a moral or political one.” In its most simple and concise definition, an allegory is when a piece of visual or narrative media uses one thing to “stand in for” …

What was the main objective of allegory?

Allegories can come in many forms: plays, poetry, music, novels, etc. They tell a story and convey an idea or a principle at the same time; their main objectives are often to teach a moral lesson. Although allegories use symbols, they are distinct from “symbolism”, and are best thought of as a very complex metaphor.

What are the three main features of an allegory?

Multiple Meanings Inherently, the story must have at least two stories — the literal story presented in the words and the figurative story depicted in the way the writer intends readers to interpret the surface story.

What are the elements of allegory?

An allegory is a narrative in which nearly every element, including characters and even plot, represent symbols for something else, or a narrative in which the story itself is symbolic of a broader concept or historical event.

Which of the following best defines allegory?

Definition of allegory 1 : the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence a writer known for his use of allegory also : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression The poem is an allegory of love and jealousy.

How do you identify an allegory?

An allegory is a story, poem or work of art that has a hidden meaning or message, usually a moral. Allegories use characters and events to convey a meaning rather than stating the message.

What is an allegory in philosophy?

The word ‘allegory’ comes from the Latin ‘allegoria,’ meaning speaking to imply something else. An allegory represents a larger point about society or human nature through a simple story, in which different characters may represent real-life figures.

What is allegory and example?

An allegory (AL-eh-goh-ree) is a story within a story. It has a “surface story” and another story hidden underneath. For example, the surface story might be about two neighbors throwing rocks at each other’s homes, but the hidden story would be about war between countries.

What are the two types of allegory?

We can distinguish between two different types of allegory:

  • the historical or political allegory,
  • the allegory of ideas.

What is allegory and symbolism?

Allegory is a narrative, as the moral lesson is in the form of an allegorical story. Symbolism is a literary device that presents one particular item, like a dove, to represent something else (peace). In other words, an allegory is a whole story, poem, or book. Symbolism can be just a part of the story, poem, or book.

What is allegory drama?

allegory, a symbolic fictional narrative that conveys a meaning not explicitly set forth in the narrative. Allegory, which encompasses such forms as fable, parable, and apologue, may have meaning on two or more levels that the reader can understand only through an interpretive process.

What is the emphasis of allegory in literature?

However, the emphasis of allegory is typically placed on the abstract ideals represented or symbolized by the work’s literary elements. In other words, the meaning behind the surface narrative has even greater value as a literary work.

What is allegory According to Martin Luther?

Allegory is a more or less symbolic fictional narrative that conveys a secondary meaning (or meanings) not explicitly set forth in the literal narrative. Parables, myths, and fables are all considered types of allegories. Luther dismissed this mystical reading of the creative act as mere “allegory.”

What are some good examples of allegories in movies?

Metropolis – an allegory for class warfare; and the worsening divide created by industrialism. The Truman Show – an allegory for reality TV obsession; and how real people are dehumanized by consumer audiences. La Strada – an allegory for the road of life; and how in the end, we’re all swept back to the seashore.

What is an allegory of morality?

An allegory can vary in terms of how straightforward or subtle the underlaying message of morality is, but examples of great allegories often employ multiple levels of allegorical message. Readers must pay attention in order to fully grasp the complex varieties of meaning that an allegory can reference when used in literature.

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