What is SOP in firefighting?

What is SOP in firefighting?

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a standard operating procedure is “an organizational directive that establishes a standard course of action.” In other words, SOPs are written guidelines that explain what is expected and required of fire service personnel in performing their jobs.

What should you do first if there is a fire onboard?

In case of fire, raise the Fire/General alarm as soon as possible. Try to stop fire and if it is not possible, muster according to the Fire Muster List.

How do you deal with a ship fire?

As soon as a fire is detected, several actions should be taken to ensure the safety of the vessel and the personnel.

  1. General alarm should be sounded.
  2. Bridge team should be informed.
  3. Fire party should muster.
  4. The fire should be isolated, by closing ventilation system, skylights, doors, boundary cooling, etc.

What is the difference between SOPs and SOGs?

Differences. Policies tend to be more rigid, whereas fire department SOPs (and particularly SOGs) tend to have more leeway or room for interpretation. Policies tend to be fairly broad, while SOPs/SOGs tend to be more specific.

How many feet does a section of hose Do you need to be able to carry as a firefighter?

NFPA 1901, Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus – Requires pumpers to carry: 15 feet of large soft sleeve hose or 20 feet of hard suction hose. 1200 feet of 2 ½ inch or larger supply hose. 400 feet of 1 ½ , 1 ¾, or 2 inch attack hose.

What is the shipboard contingency plan?

The Contingency Plan provides guidelines and instructions that assist in making an efficient response to emergency situations onboard ships.

Which is the fastest recovery method?

Anderson Turn/Single Turn
Anderson Turn/Single Turn: This is the fastest recovery method. It is most appropriate turn for ship in clear visibility. In case of this turn, rudder is put hard over to the side of the casualty.

What are the three techniques used to fight fires?

Fire Fighting Techniques

  • Fog Attack. The hose uses a fog setting to extinguish a fire – ideal for closed compartment fires where there is no wind.
  • Indirect Attack. Aimed at the ceiling, the water drops down and extinguishes the fire from above.
  • Direct Attack.
  • Combination Attack.
  • The ‘Two Lines in’ Method.

What is a SOGs of fire department?

Today the Dalmatian serves as a fire house mascot, but back in the days of horse drawn fire carts, they provided a valuable service.

Why are SOP’s important for a fire department to have in place?

SOPS, however, are formal policies that specify a firefighter’s course of action, thereby ensuring efficiency, predictability, consistency, and safety for all firefighters operating on the fireground.

How much LDH is in an engine?

While the engine carries at least 800 feet of LDH to connect to hydrants in its hose bed, short sections of LDH are stored along the sides of the engine to connect when longer sections are not needed. The long, slender metal tools mounted on the left of the panel are called spanner wrenches.

What is a shipboard firefighting system?

They are a fuel storage farm, a power plant with high voltage, a multistory hotel, a restaurant, and a warehouse with all kinds of commodities—all in one. And, we should mention also that there is an obstacle course throughout the vessel. Shipboard firefighting is more than putting the “wet stuff on the red stuff.”

What is a ship fire?

Ship fires have a lot in common with aircraft fires. Unlike ground-based fires, when you’re in the air or at sea, you can’t just turn around and run in the other direction. Evacuation becomes much harder when your escape routes are limited. In addition, and as I’ve mentioned above, you can’t really call the local firefighting teams to help you out.

How to fight a fire on a ship?

The best way to fight a fire is to prevent one, obviously. You should address the prevention of each type of fire according to the classifications above. Good housekeeping can prevent waste and grease from becoming fuel for a fire. When possible, use fire-retardant or fire-resistant materials in the construction or renovation of your ship.

What are the fire safety regulations for shipping?

This set of regulations aims to force all shipping companies to comply with minimum safety standards in construction, equipment and operation. The second chapter of this treaty is dedicated fully to fire protection, detection and extinction. It is also known as the Fire Safety System Code (FSS code).

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