What is Korat known for?

What is Korat known for?

In Thailand, the breed is known as Si sawat, meaning “colour of the sawat seed”. The Korat is known colloquially as the “good luck cat”. Traditionally, they are given in pairs to newlyweds or people who are highly esteemed, for good luck….Korat.

Korat cat
Origin Thailand
Breed standards
CFA standard
FIFe standard

Is Korat rare?

The Korat is a rare, or minority breed, in America mainly due to its small gene pool.

What are four traits of the Korat?


height 9 to 13 inches
coat length short
colors blue / gray
patterns solid
other traits hypoallergenic easy to train easy to groom friendly toward humans good for first-time pet owners strong loyalty tendencies good lap cat tolerates being picked up

Are Korats related to Siamese?

In his home country of Thailand, the Korat is a living symbol of luck and prosperity. He is quieter than the Siamese, to whom he is related, but he definitely will let you know what he’s thinking.

How do you tell if my cat is a Korat?

Look at their fur or coat. They both have the same silver grey coat, but you can tell their differences through how their furry hair grows. You can tell that it is a Korat cat if it has single-haired fur. Aside from that, the Korat cat has no downy undercoat.

What is the difference between a Russian Blue and a Korat?

The main difference between Korat and Russian blue is their nature. While korat is more playful and is more fun-loving. Russian blue is calmer and more sensitive, it takes time to adapt to a new situation. Korat is more of a gunmetal colored grey colored cat russian blue is more of a bluish blackish cat.

How much is a Korat cat worth?

Breed Information
Weight Male: 8 – 11 pounds Female: 6 – 8 pounds
Colors Blue Silver
Kitten Prices Average $500 – $800 USD In general, Korats go for $500 to $800 give or take depending on location and the average price for a pedigreed cat is pretty much the same.

Is my cat a Korat or a Russian blue?

The Russian blue also has the silver tips in their coat. So remember, if the cat has no downy undercoat, it is a Korat. But if the cat has down and guard hairs, it is a Russian blue. The Korat is typically a jungle cat while the Russian blue is a cold-climate cat.

How do you tell if your cat is a Korat?

The easiest way to identify a Korat cat is to look for a bluish, silver-tipped coat and green, luminous eyes….Check for a heart-shaped face.

  1. The Korat’s face is characterized by smooth, curved lines.
  2. The Korat’s nose will have a slight downward curve to it.
  3. Korats have strong and well-developed jaws.

What’s the difference between a Russian blue and a Korat?

How do I tell if my cat is a Russian blue or a Korat?

Where do Korat cats come from?

The Korat is a natural breed, and one of the oldest stable cat breeds, and one of the very few that has not changed its appearance throughout centuries. Originating in Phimai, Thailand, it is named after its province of origin, Nakhon Ratchasima Province (typically called “Korat” by the Thai people).

What is a Korat?

The Korat is known colloquially as the “good luck cat”. Traditionally, they are given in pairs to newlyweds or people who are highly esteemed, for good luck. Until recently, Korats were not sold, but only given as gifts.

When was the First Korat introduced to the US?

In 1959, Cedar Glen cattery was the first to import a pair of Korats to the US for breeding: a male named Nara and a female named Darra. In 1966, the Korat was accepted into championship status, through the efforts of a breeder from Maryland.

When did the Korat become a championship breed?

In 1966, the Korat was accepted into championship status, through the efforts of a breeder from Maryland. The Korat’s unusual colour is actually a silver-tipped blue that appears to shimmer.

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