What is a pediatric seizure?

What is a pediatric seizure?

Pediatric absence seizures (also called petit mal seizures) are characterized by a brief altered state of consciousness and staring episodes. Typically the child’s posture is maintained during the seizure. The mouth or face may move or the eyes may blink. The seizure usually lasts no longer than 30 seconds.

What is most common seizures in pediatric patients?

Temporal lobe seizures, a category of focal seizures, are the most common type of epilepsy in both children and adults. The temporal lobe is located beneath the temples, on either side of the head.

What is a seizure?

A seizure is a burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells (also called neurons or nerve cells) that causes temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movements (stiffness, twitching or limpness), behaviors, sensations or states of awareness.

What caused seizures?

Anything that interrupts the normal connections between nerve cells in the brain can cause a seizure. This includes a high fever, high or low blood sugar, alcohol or drug withdrawal, or a brain concussion. But when a person has 2 or more seizures with no known cause, this is diagnosed as epilepsy.

What triggers a seizure in a child?

Anything that interrupts the normal connections between nerve cells in the brain can cause a seizure. This includes a high fever, high or low blood sugar, alcohol or drug withdrawal, or a brain concussion. But when a child has 2 or more seizures with no known cause, this is diagnosed as epilepsy.

What causes seizures in kids?

What Causes Seizures? The most common type of seizure in children is from a fever (called a febrile seizure). Other causes include infections, low blood sodium, medicines, drug use (amphetamines or cocaine), brain injury or a tumor, and genetic changes. Sometimes, a seizure’s cause is never found.

What are the 3 main types of seizures?

There are now 3 major groups of seizures.

  • Generalized onset seizures:
  • Focal onset seizures:
  • Unknown onset seizures:

What causes kids epilepsy?

Acquired Epilepsy Acquired causes include, for example, lack of oxygen (hypoxia), head injuries, and infections of the central nervous system. Brain tumors and degenerative disorders are not as common in children as they are in older adults, but in rare cases they can also cause childhood epilepsy.

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