What does SOS mean?

What does SOS mean?

SOS is the short description for Morse code distress signal. What is the full form of SOS in Mobile Technology? Expand full name of SOS. What does SOS stand for? Is it acronym or abbreviation?

What is the full form of SOS in Hindi?

SOS Full Form– What is the full form of SOS, what is the full name of SOS, what is SOS, what is the full name of SOS and what it means in Hindi, you will get answers to all such questions in this post? The full form of SOS is Save Our Souls. This is called हमें बचाओ in Hindi.

What is an SOS distress signal?

SOS is the commonly used description for the international Morse code distress signal ( · · · — — — · · · ). This distress signal was first adopted by the German government in radio regulations. The letters were chosen because they are easily transmitted in the Morse code.

What is the history of the SOS code?

SOS was conceptualized on April 1, 1905, by the German government in radio regulations. It became the worldwide standard after it was included in the second International Radiotelegraphic Convention and became effective from the year 1908.

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