What does Mr Lahey calls Randy?

What does Mr Lahey calls Randy?

Randy calls Lahey “Mr. Lahey”, except on very rare occasions when he is angry with him and (rather contemptuously) calls him “James”….

Aliases Smokey Randall Christian Tootle
Nicknames Bobandy Cheeseburger Walrus Lord of the Onion Rings

Why do Trailer Park Boys call the liquor store the LC?

Lahey frequently asks Randy if he wants to “hit the LC”. It is short for the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation. Wherein the provincial government licenses and sells liquor to the citizens of the province.

Do you know what recidivism is Randy?

Mr. Lahey: You know, do you know what recidivism is Randy? Randy: I don’t have a clue, Mr. Lahey.

Is Lahey attracted to Julian?

After that, Jim allowed his homosexual tendencies out more readily and seemed to harbor a long-standing attraction to Julian, when later in the series, comments about him being ‘sexy’ became more and more common (“The Kiss Of Freedom”) A one point, he makes Julian kiss him on the lips to make him give him his 1% of …

Why is Randy’s gut so big?

Towards to the later seasons, Mike Clattenburg began having Pat use a “stunt belly”. He had a prosthetic stomach made so he appeared to be larger than he was.

Is Patrick Roach married?

Candyce RoachPatrick Roach / Spouse

What is Julian actually drinking in TPB?

Julian has downed thousands of rum and cokes while protecting the park and solving the myriad problems of its down-and-out residents. Given that level of commitment to his spiked soda, you’d think that the team behind Trailer Park Boys were hoping to say something about Julian.

What does LLC stand for Trailer Park Boys?

Lahey frequently asks Randy if he wants to “hit the LC”. It is short for the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation. Wherein the provincial government licenses and sells liquor to the citizens of the province.

Does Sunnyvale Trailer Park exist?

Sunnyvale Trailer Park is a trailer park in Nova Scotia, Canada.

When youre dead youre dead John Dunsworth?

Jim Lahey : The best currency, the most valuable of all, is gratitude. And, if… When you’re dead you’re dead. But you’re not quite so dead if you contribute something.

Was dunsworth drunk while filming?

Unlike the character he played on Trailer Park Boys, Dunsworth rarely drank alcohol; the ‘alcohol’ he drank in the show was usually iced tea. He admitted to suffering from a gambling problem in his early years.

Was Mr Lahey an alcoholic?

Lahey’s many, many one-liners, which were often laced with profanity and played off his alcoholism. Perhaps the most popular, “I am the liquor,” was emblazoned on an official “Trailer Park Boys” T-shirt.

What are some of the best Jim Lahey quotes?

The 17 best Jim Lahey quotes 1 “I am the liquor.” 2 “After you have one sippy-poo, you gotta have two sippy-poos.” 3 “Nice disguise, Bubs. You might be able to fool the FBI, but you can’t fool the FB-Me.” 4 “I’m mowing the air Rand, I’m mowing the air!” 5 “I’m sober enough to know what I’m doing, and drunk enough to really enjoy it.” More

Was Lahey a poet?

But like the German writer, Lahey was a poet. We swear the things that somehow came out of the man’s mouth shouldn’t be said by any other man. If isolated, we’re not sure if Lahey’s quotes were all that funny.

Was Jim Lahey real?

As a character, Jim Lahey was real in the way myths are real. He existed as both fact and fiction. Played by the Canadian actor John Dunsworth who passed away this week at 71, Lahey evolved into a totemic figure, a symbol of being broken and knowing you’ll always be broken like all the things around you, but still trying to fix it anyways.

What does John Dunsworth’s Lahey symbolize?

Played by the Canadian actor John Dunsworth who passed away this week at 71, Lahey evolved into a totemic figure, a symbol of being broken and knowing you’ll always be broken like all the things around you, but still trying to fix it anyways.

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