What does JavaScriptSerializer do?

What does JavaScriptSerializer do?

The JavaScriptSerializer class is used internally by the asynchronous communication layer to serialize and deserialize the data that is passed between the browser and the Web server. You cannot access that instance of the serializer.

What is deserialize?

Deserialization is the process of reconstructing a data structure or object from a series of bytes or a string in order to instantiate the object for consumption. This is the reverse process of serialization, i.e., converting a data structure or object into a series of bytes for storage or transmission across devices.

What is Deserializing JSON?

Deserialization is the process of decoding the data that is in JSON format into native data type. In Python, deserialization decodes JSON data into a dictionary(data type in python).

What is JsonConvert SerializeObject c#?

SerializeObject Method (Object) Serializes the specified object to a JSON string. Namespace: Newtonsoft.Json.

How do I deserialize JSON in Apex?

deserialize() convert between JSON and typed Apex values. When using JSON. deserialize() , you must specify the type of value you expect the JSON to yield, and Apex will attempt to deserialize to that type. JSON.

How do I deserialize JavaScript?

The process whereby a lower-level format (e.g. that has been transferred over a network, or stored in a data store) is translated into a readable object or other data structure. In JavaScript, for example, you can deserialize a JSON string to an object by calling the function JSON. parse() .

What does SerDes stand for?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes) is a pair of functional blocks commonly used in high speed communications to compensate for limited input/output. These blocks convert data between serial data and parallel interfaces in each direction.

What is serializing and Deserializing?

Serialization is a mechanism of converting the state of an object into a byte stream. Deserialization is the reverse process where the byte stream is used to recreate the actual Java object in memory. This mechanism is used to persist the object.

What does serialize mean programming?

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes to store the object or transmit it to memory, a database, or a file. Its main purpose is to save the state of an object in order to be able to recreate it when needed. The reverse process is called deserialization.

What does JSON Serializeobject do?

Serializes the specified object to a JSON string. Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting.

What does JSON serialize do in Apex?

Serializes Apex objects into JSON content and generates indented content using the pretty-print format. Suppresses null values when serializing Apex objects into JSON content and generates indented content using the pretty-print format.

What is object object in JavaScript?

What is JavaScript [object Object]? [object Object] is a string version of an object instance. This value is returned by a JavaScript program if you try to print out an object without first formatting the object as a string.

When does the javascriptserializer call the serialize method?

When the JavaScriptSerializer instance is serializing a type for which a custom converter is registered, the serializer calls the Serialize method to obtain the dictionary of name/value pairs that will be converted to a JSON string.

How do I serialize a JSON object in JavaScript?

To serialize an object, use the Serialize method. To deserialize a JSON string, use the Deserialize or DeserializeObject methods. To serialize and deserialize types that are not natively supported by JavaScriptSerializer, implement custom converters by using the JavaScriptConverter class.

What is the javascriptserializer class in NewtonSoft JSON?

For earlier versions of .NET Framework, use Newtonsoft.Json. The JavaScriptSerializer class is used internally by the asynchronous communication layer to serialize and deserialize the data that is passed between the browser and the Web server. You cannot access that instance of the serializer. However, this class exposes a public API.

What is deserialization in JS?

Deserialization. In Deserialization, it does the opposite of Serialization which means it converts JSON string to custom .Net object. In the following code, it creates JavaScriptSerializer instance and calls Deserialize() by passing JSON data. It returns custom object (BlogSites) from JSON data.

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