What does Clonorchis sinensis look like?

What does Clonorchis sinensis look like?

Clonorchis sinensis adults are flattened, lance shaped, and measure approximately 10 to 25 mm long by 3 to 5 mm wide. The oral and ventral suckers (acetabulum) are relatively small. Like other flukes, they are hermaphroditic.

How do you get Clonorchis in sinensis?

How does one become infected with Clonorchis? The eggs of Clonorchis are ingested by freshwater snails. After the eggs hatch, infected snails release microscopic larvae that then enter freshwater fish. People become infected by eating infected raw or undercooked fish containing the larvae.

What is another name for Clonorchis sinensis?

Causal Agents. The trematode Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese or oriental liver fluke) is an important foodborne pathogen and cause of liver disease in Asia. This appears to be the only species in the genus involved in human infection.

What does Clonorchis sinensis infection?

Clonorchiasis is infection with the liver fluke Clonorchis sinensis. Infection is usually acquired by eating undercooked freshwater fish. Most infections are asymptomatic, but when present, symptoms include right upper quadrant abdominal pain, indigestion, fatigue, and diarrhea.

Where is Clonorchis sinensis commonly found?

Prevalence. C. sinensis is estimated to be the third-most prevalent worm parasite in the world. It is endemic to Russia, Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, and Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam.

Is Clonorchis Monoecious or dioecious?

Asia and southeast Asia. Is Clonorchis sinensis momoecious or dioecious? monoecious; meaning animal is both male and female.

What does Schistosoma japonicum cause?

japonicum produces diffuse meningoencephalitis with fever (Katayama fever), seizures, visual loss, neck stiffness, disorientation, and stupor. Chronic disease produces seizures, focal signs, and intracranial hypertension related to the development of parenchymal brain granulomas.

Where do the adult worms of Clonorchis sinensis live on the human body?

Parasites – Clonorchis Clonorchis is a liver fluke parasite that humans can get by eating raw or undercooked fish from areas where the parasite is found. Found across parts of Asia, Clonorchis is also known as the Chinese or oriental liver fluke. Liver flukes infect the liver, gallbladder, and bile duct in humans.

How do Clonorchis eat?

Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese liver fluke, is a liver fluke belonging to the class Trematoda, phylum Platyhelminthes. It infects fish-eating mammals, including humans. In humans, it infects the common bile duct and gall bladder, feeding on bile.

How does Clonorchis sinensis affect humans?

sinensis has had large, detrimental effects on humans, especially those in areas such as Asia, where eating raw or undercooked fish is a cultural practice. A human host with an average infection will have two or three dozen worms; heavily infected individuals have been found with as many as 20,000 worms.

What are the organs of clonorchis sinensis?

sinensis. Proteins with molecular masses of 26-, 28-, 34-, 37-, 47- and 55-kDa were found in female reproductive organs (uterus, vitellaria, ovary and eggs), and 34-, 37- and 50-kDa bands appeared in male reproductive organs (testis and sperms).

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