What are the risks of childhood obesity?

What are the risks of childhood obesity?

What are the complications of childhood obesity?

  • type 2 diabetes.
  • high blood pressure and elevated blood cholesterol.
  • liver disease.
  • bone and joint problems.
  • respiratory problems such as asthma.
  • sleep disorders such as difficulty breathing while asleep (sleep apnea)
  • earlier than normal puberty or menstruation.

What are 5 consequences of childhood obesity?

They are also more likely to suffer from social isolation, depression, and lower self-esteem — effects of which can last well into adulthood. Children with obesity are at higher risk for having other chronic health conditions and diseases, such as asthma, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems, and type 2 diabetes.

What are the long term consequences of childhood obesity?

Childhood obesity may itself be enough to cause outcomes including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and its associated cardiovascular, retinal and renal complications, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, obstructive sleep apnea, polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility, asthma, orthopedic …

What are the risk factors of obesity?

The largest contributors to obesity are modifiable risk factors such as diet, exercise, sleep, and stress. Making appropriate lifestyle changes can help reduce your likelihood of becoming obese.

Why is childhood obesity a social problem?

Childhood obesity isn’t just a public health issue, it’s a social justice issue. It disproportionately affects the poor and minorities. It’s also one of those rare cases where the major domestic challenges of our time — education, health care, poverty — intersect, and where small changes can have a big impact.

How did childhood obesity become a problem?

America’s childhood obesity epidemic is a product of multiple changes in our environment that promote high-calorie, poor quality dietary intake and minimal physical activity.

What is the main cause of childhood obesity?

Causes of Childhood Obesity But the main cause of childhood obesity is a combination of eating too much and exercising too little. A poor diet containing high levels of fat or sugar and few nutrients can cause kids to gain weight quickly. Fast food, candy, and soft drinks are common culprits.

How does childhood obesity affect society?

Studies indicate that school-aged children with obesity experience a 63% higher chance of being bullied. When children and youth are bullied or victimized because of their weight by peers, family and friends, it can trigger feelings of shame and lead to depression, low self-esteem, poor body image and even suicide.

Is obesity a child protection issue?

Childhood obesity alone is not a child protection concern – Obesity has many causes and its complexity means that attributing the cause to neglect by parents is not possible. However, we should consider that abuse and / or neglect may be a contributing factor.

Which child is at the greatest risk for overweight?

Overall, the prevalence of obesity among adolescents (12-19 years; 20.6%) and school-aged children (6-11 years; 18.4%) was higher than among preschool-aged children (2-5 years; 13.9%). School-aged boys (20.4%) had a higher prevalence of obesity than preschool-aged boys (14.3%).

When does obesity become a child protection issue?

4. When does obesity become a safeguarding issue? Childhood obesity can become a child protection concern if parents fail to provide their child adequate treatment or when parents behave in a way that actively promotes treatment failure, as with any chronic illness in a child.

Is child obesity a form of parental neglect?

Parents who refuse to help their obese children lose weight are guilty of neglect, researchers have said. The team, including Russell Viner of the Institute of Child Health in London, said obesity alone was not a child protection issue.

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