Is Voidswrath a virus?

Is Voidswrath a virus?

So a couple of my friends and I wanted to play a modpack for minecraft on the Voidlauncher. When I started it it said it was infected while my friends antivirus’s said it was completely safe.

What mods does Ldshadowlady use in Crazy Craft?

Mod List

  • Optifine.
  • Shaders.
  • RudoPlays Shader Pack.
  • Mo Creatures.
  • Rei’s Mini Map.
  • XL Extra Biomes.
  • Smart Moving.
  • Familiars.

Can I trust voids wrath?

Voids wrath, technic, gdlauncher, multimc, curse/whateverforge, vanilla. There’s more but these ones are safe. As long as they don’t promise you free minecraft you should be safe.

What is in Crazy Craft?

The most notable mods included in Crazy Craft 4.0 are Orespawn, Legends mod, TragicMC, witchery, HBM nuclear tech, Mcheli and many more. We wanted to include many of the old mods you loved and obviously the biggest one was orespawn.

What mods does SmallishBeans use?

SmallishBeans Building Pack

  • Chromatic Foliage.
  • ColorfulWater.
  • ConnectedTexturesMod.
  • Extra Utilities 2.
  • Fairy Lights.
  • Hat Stand.
  • Nature’s Compass.
  • Placeable Items.

Does CrazyCraft cost money?

CrazyCraft is available to play for free.

How do I use vein miner on my server?

To use Veinminer, you need to have it installed on your client/server and for better functionality. Edit the Veinminer . cfg file where you can add the blocks you want to mine and tools you want to use with the mod. What mod is vein miner in?

What is veinminer?

VeinMiner. A mod to help mine veins of ores by mining blocks of the same type in a chain reaction, giving you the blocks at the end. It improves upon Connected Destruction by: Modpack permission: Ask and don’t receive – If you ask for permission to use this mod in any pack, you are not allowed to use it in any pack for 1 month.

Is there a way to add other blocks to a veinminer?

Hi there, need a veinminer mod (for 1.15.2)? Download this one today! This veinminer currently works on all vanilla wood logs and ores, and updates may happen. Currently, the only way to add other block to the mod is to add them to the logs tag.

Does this veinminer work on all wood logs?

This veinminer currently works on all vanilla wood logs and ores, and updates may happen. Currently, the only way to add other block to the mod is to add them to the logs tag. I will try and add more block support if possible, but currently I cannot. Using the veinmining ability will reduce durabilty fast, along with hunger, so use it sparingly.

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