Is there a grand commendation of Emperor Shaohao?

Is there a grand commendation of Emperor Shaohao?

The following commendations are available: Grand Commendation of the Klaxxi. Grand Commendation of the Shado-Pan. Grand Commendation of the Golden Lotus.

What is the Timeless Isle?

The Timeless Isle is a level 30-35 PvE zone located to the east of the Jade Forest. Seek the Isle alone or in a group to collect Timeless Coins (which will allow players to purchase unique gear from the locals) or to do battle with massive creatures and dangerous world bosses.

How long does it take to get exalted with the tillers?

between 2 and 3 weeks
We estimate that most players will take between 2 and 3 weeks to reach exalted reputation with the Tillers. It is hard to be very precise, as the duration of the process will depend on how serious you will be in planting and harvesting, besides doing the quests and daily quests.

Can you fly on Timeless Isle?

No, flying mounts are not allowed on the Timeless Isle ( Temporal Anomaly). You’ll want your best ground mount, as well as Reins of Poseidus for the aquatic areas and Reins of the Azure Water Strider to reach some far-off shipwrecks.

Does Huolon still spawn?

He instantly spawns on the left every 30 minutes to an hour.

How do I get Shado-Pan rep?

After reaching level 90, you will be able to increase your reputation with the Shado-Pan by doing daily quests at the Shado-Pan Garrison in the Townlong Steppes. There, you will have to attack nearby Yaungol, Mantid, and Mogu outposts.

How do you unlock Halfhill farm?

When you begin leveling on the continent of Pandaria, at around level 85 – 86 you should reach the Valley of the Four Winds. During your time questing here you will slowly make your way to Halfhill, the main hub of the area.

Are Timeless Isle Rares daily?

Rare Spawns and Events: The Timeless Isle is teeming with rare spawns of all difficulties, as well as daily and weekly events that are fun minigames.

How do I get to the Timeless Isle for the first time?

If you have a mount that can walk on water such as the Azure Water Strider you can reach the Timeless Isle this way. To do so, go to the southeast tip of the Jade Forest and head east. You will be able to see the Timeless Isle on your map in World of Warcraft. Just follow in that direction until you have arrived.

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