Is Japanese mahjong the same as Chinese mahjong?

Is Japanese mahjong the same as Chinese mahjong?

While the same basic ideas apply (Build a hand with 4 sets and a pair, more difficult hand patterns score more), there are special additions to Japanese mahjong that make it more viable to play defensively and allow for a greater depth. In Chinese mahjong, the best defense is a strong fast hand to beat out the others.

How is Japanese mahjong different?

Japanese mahjong (Japanese: 麻雀, Hepburn: Mājan), also known as riichi mahjong, is a variation of mahjong. While the basic rules to the game are retained, the variation features a unique set of rules such as riichi and the use of dora.

How is riichi mahjong different?

Riichi is the most distinguishing aspect of riichi mahjong from other variants, hence the name. If a player has an entirely closed hand (he hasn’t called any tiles from other players), and is in tenpai (can win with just one more tile), then they have the option to declare riichi.

Can you play Japanese Mahjong with a Chinese set?

Northern Europeans most commonly play Japanese mahjong (aka Riichi Mahjong). People from the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries play with standard Chinese mahjong sets, even if scoring rules differ slightly.

What does chi mean in mahjong?

Chow. A chow (declared as chow or chi) is a set of three tiles of the same suit and consecutive numbers. Honor tiles cannot be used in chows; neither can bonus tiles.

Can you play Japanese mahjong with a Chinese set?

Do you have to declare riichi?

From Mahjong Wiki, the mahjong encyclopedia Declaring riichi is worth one yaku. A player is not allowed to declare riichi if there are less than four tiles in the wall. After riichi is declared the player is not allowed to change his hand or claim (chow, pung, or kong) any additional tiles.

Does Chinese mahjong have riichi?

Japanese Mahjong (Japanese: 麻雀, 麻将 or マージャン; mājan), also known as riichi mahjong, is a variation of mahjong. While the basic rules to the game are retained, the variation features a unique set of rules such as riichi and the use of dora.

What is the difference between Chinese and Western mahjong?

The Western game, like the American game, uses a Charleston. Flowers are luck tiles (as they are used in the Chinese game), not used in the hand (as is done in the American game). Jokers are optional. An important hallmark of the Western game is that “Payment To All” is the rule.

What is Ron mahjong?

Multiple ron is a case where a player’s discarded tile (or a tile added to a kan) has been claimed for a win by more than one player. Most often, this involves the situation of double ron.

Can you riichi after Kan?

Unlike the other two kan types, ankan 「暗槓」 keeps the hand closed, unless the hand has been opened previously. Thus, even with an ankan call, the player may still have the option of declaring riichi even with such a kan call, calling kan during riichi barring restrictions, and/or winning the hand via mentsumo.

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