How much is ticket from Sydney to Melbourne?

How much is ticket from Sydney to Melbourne?

Compare Cheap Flights from Sydney to Melbourne, Australia

Departure Date
Fri 08 Apr $479 ONE WAY Best Price $179 ONE WAY
Sat 09 Apr $369 ONE WAY Best Price $349 ONE WAY
Sun 10 Apr Best Price $136 ONE WAY $179 ONE WAY
Mon 11 Apr Best Price $75 ONE WAY $109 ONE WAY

What month is the cheapest to fly to Melbourne?

The cheapest month to fly to Melbourne is usually September 2022.

Is there a direct train from Sydney to Melbourne?

Is there a direct train between Sydney and Melbourne? Yes, there is a direct train departing from Central Station station and arriving at Southern Cross. Services depart once daily, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 10h 50m.

Does Virgin fly to Tullamarine or Avalon?

Virgin Australia flies into Melbourne Domestic Airport (MEL), colloquially known as Tullamarine Airport.

Which Melbourne airport is closest to the city?

Melbourne Essendon Apt
What is the nearest airport to Melbourne? The nearest airport to Melbourne is Melbourne Essendon Apt (MEB) Airport which is 10.6 km away. Other nearby airports include Melbourne (MEL) (19 km) and Avalon (AVV) (49.1 km).

What is the cheapest day to fly international from Australia?

The cheapest days to fly tend to be Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Tuesday (in that order).

What days are flights cheapest?

Generally, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday are the cheapest days to fly, while Fridays and Sundays are pricier, according to travel deal site FareCompare. Leisure travelers tend to fly on the weekends, either starting their vacations on Friday or taking a long weekend Friday to Sunday.

How much is a train ticket from Sydney to Melbourne for a pensioner?

The regular, half-priced concession, Seniors fare, single ticket, aboard the Sydney to Melbourne (Southern Cross) XPT is $65.13. For Senior cardholders who don’t mind leaving Sydney earlier and arriving Melbourne a few hours later, the fare drops to just $26.10.

Is it worth driving from Sydney to Melbourne?

Is it worth driving from Sydney to Melbourne? Sure is, if you have enough time to stop and smell the roses. This road trip is worth devoting a week to there being so much beautiful landscape, gorgeous beaches and cute little towns to visit.

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