How many gametes are produced by AaBbCcDd?

How many gametes are produced by AaBbCcDd?

The given genotype AaBbCcDd is heterozygous for 4 genes and can make 24= 16 types of gametes.

How many different gamete types can an individual with genotype AaBbCcDd make?

The number of different possible gametes produced by the diploid genotype (AaBbCcDdEe) is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 (2 for each pair of heterozygous genes).

What are the gametes of a heterozygous?

A heterozygous individual has two different alleles. Therefore it would have the genotype Aa. An individual with the genotype Aa can make two types of gametes: A and a. Since this is a random process, the individual will, on average, make equal numbers of each gamete.

How many gametes can a homozygous produce?

Complete answer: Here, the given genotype consists of two heterogeneous alleles Bb, and Cc while one homozygous allele is AA. So, it results in the production of 22= 4 types of gametes.

What type of gametes will be formed by genotype AaBb?

Predicting the genotype of offspring There are four possible combinations of gametes for the AaBb parent. Half of the gametes get a dominant A and a dominant B allele; the other half of the gametes get a recessive a and a recessive b allele. Both parents produce 25% each of AB, Ab, aB, and ab.

What kind of gametes can be produced by an individual whose genotype is AaBb?

The possible gametes for an organism that is AaBb are AB, Ab, aB, and ab. Each is equally likely (probability is 1/4 for each).

What kind of gametes can be produced by a AaBb genotype?

What kind of gametes can be produced by an individual whose genotype is AaBb group of answer choices?

What gametes can be produced by AaBb?

There are four possible combinations of gametes for the AaBb parent. Half of the gametes get a dominant A and a dominant B allele; the other half of the gametes get a recessive a and a recessive b allele. Both parents produce 25% each of AB, Ab, aB, and ab.

What type of gamete is AaBb?

A heterozygous for two genes AaBb has two types of alleles for each gene: A and a, B and b. The assortment of “A” and “a” into gametes is independent of the assortment of “B” and “b”….

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How many gametes will be formed by AaBb?

four possible
There are four possible combinations of gametes for the AaBb parent. Half of the gametes get a dominant A and a dominant B allele; the other half of the gametes get a recessive a and a recessive b allele. Both parents produce 25% each of AB, Ab, aB, and ab. (Review problem #3’s tutorial if necessary).

How many types of gametes would be produced if the genotype of a parent is AaBb a 1b 2c 3d 4?

If the genotype of a parent is AaBB then 2 types of gametes will be produced.

How many gametes can a plant with genotype AABBCC have?

The plant having genotype AABbCC is heterozygous for only one character B. Number of “gametes = 2n”, where n is the heterozygosity.” Since n = 1 so 2 gametes will be formed.

How many alleles are there in gametes AA?

With alleles ‘A’ and ‘a’ there are three possible genotypes AA, Aa and aa. With three alleles 1, 2, 3 there are six possible genotypes: 11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 33. How many chromosomes do gametes have? In humans, gametes are haploid cells that contain 23 chromosomes, each of which a one of a chromosome pair that exists in diplod cells.

How do you calculate the number of gametes produced by a genotype?

To calculate the total number of gametes that are produced by a particular genotype, a specific formula 2n is used, where n= number of heterogeneous alleles that are found in the genotype. Here, the given genotype consists of two heterogeneous alleles Bb, and Cc while one homozygous allele is AA.

What are the two types of gametes?

Those are ABC and AbC. So the two types of gametes will be ABC and AbC. How many different gamete genotypes can the organism with genotype AaBbCc produce?

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