How does colchicine cause toxicity?

How does colchicine cause toxicity?

Mechanisms of toxicity: Colchicine’s toxicity is an extension of its mechanism of action – binding to tubulin and disrupting the microtubular network.

What is the mechanism of action of colchicine?

The primary mechanism of action of colchicine is tubulin disruption. This leads to subsequent down regulation of multiple inflammatory pathways and modulation of innate immunity.

How is colchicine metabolized?

Colchicine is metabolised by cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and excreted via the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transport system. For patients with renal or hepatic impairment, concurrent administration of colchicine with strong CYP 3A4 inhibitors or P-gp inhibitors is contraindicated.

How does colchicine work for gout?

For gout, colchicine works by reducing the inflammation caused by crystals of uric acid in your joints. This also helps to reduce pain. The way that colchicine works for familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is complicated. Colchicine can affect the way your white blood cells work.

Is colchicine a CYP3A4 inhibitor?

7 DRUG INTERACTIONS Colchicine is a substrate of the CYP3A4 metabolizing enzyme and the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) efflux transporter. Fatal drug interactions have been reported when colchicine is administered with clarithromycin, a dual inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P- glycoprotein.

How does colchicine cause diarrhoea?

Another mechanism by which drugs cause diarrhoea is by mucosal damage of the small and large bowel. In the small intestine mucosal damage causes diarrhoea and fat malabsorption, as may occur with neomycin and colchicine. In the colon, for example, gold salts and penicillamine cause colitis of varying severity.

What is the mechanism of action of colchicine and how will this drug help ar?

Colchicine works by decreasing swelling and lessening the build up of uric acid crystals that cause pain in the affected joint(s). This medication is also used to prevent attacks of pain in the abdomen, chest, or joints caused by a certain inherited disease (familial Mediterranean fever).

How does colchicine work in cells?

Colchicine prevents microtubule assembly and thereby disrupts inflammasome activation, microtubule-based inflammatory cell chemotaxis, generation of leukotrienes and cytokines, and phagocytosis. Many of these cellular processes can be found in other diseases involving chronic inflammation.

What drug class is colchicine?

Colchicine is in a class of medications called anti-gout agents. It works by stopping the natural processes that cause swelling and other symptoms of gout and FMF.

Is colchicine a PGP substrate?

Colchicine is a P-glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate that induces its expression, thus increasing the risk for unexpected pharmacokinetic interactions with this drug.

Does colchicine affect the liver?

Introduction. Colchicine is a plant alkaloid that is widely used for treatment of gout. Colchicine has not been associated with acute liver injury or liver test abnormalities except with serious overdoses.

Does colchicine cause multiorgan failure?

Abstract Colchicine toxicity results in fatal multiorgan failure. We present a case of colchicine toxicity resulting in transient biventricular failure and cardiogenic shock that were successfully treated with packed red blood cell exchange. (Level of Difficulty: Beginner.

How does organophosphate poisoning affect the nervous system?

Organophosphate poisoning also produces symptoms based on its action at muscarinic receptors. These effects are usually slower than the nicotinic receptors because the effects occur via a G-protein-coupled receptor mechanism. Muscarinic receptors are found in the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

What is colchicine poisoning?

Colchicine poisoning: the dark side of an ancient drug Although colchicine poisoning is relatively uncommon, it is imperative to recognize its features as it is associated with a high mortality rate when missed.

What are the interactions between colchicine and cytochrome P450 3A4?

Colchicine: Beware of toxicity and interactions. Colchicine is metabolised by cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and excreted via the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transport system. For patients with renal or hepatic impairment, concurrent administration of colchicine with strong CYP 3A4 inhibitors or P-gp inhibitors is contraindicated.

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