How do you deal with an employee under the influence?

How do you deal with an employee under the influence?

If you have facts to support a reasonable suspicion of alcohol or controlled substance use, inform the employee of the suspicion, ask the employee whether they are under the influence and ask the employee to consent to alcohol or drug testing.

How do you tell if an employee is under the influence of alcohol?

Common Signs of Employee Alcohol or Drug Use

  1. Loss of productivity.
  2. Increased combativeness.
  3. Increase in employee errors.
  4. Erratic behavior or changes in personality.
  5. Decreased job performance.

What do you do if you suspect an employee is on drugs?

If you have a reasonable suspicion of an employee’s drug use, so long as you follow your state’s laws for performing an employee drug test, there is generally no legal concern. If the test comes back positive, you will usually be clear to terminate, or discipline the employee, for cause.

What does work impaired mean?

A definition of workplace impairment could look like this: “Being impaired means that you are physically or mentally unable to perform work functions safely. This impairment can result from using alcohol, prescription or over-the-counter medication, medical and recreational cannabis, or other illegal drugs.

Can you dismiss an employee for being under the influence?

The employer has to handle addicts like sick and disabled people, and treatment should be part of the employer’s strategy. However, being drunk at work constitutes misconduct and an employee can be dismissed. However, a company alcohol policy must be in place and communicated to all employees.

Can you fire an employee for being high at work?

With a number of states legalizing medical and recreational marijuana in recent years, many employees wonder whether they are protected from being fired for smoking pot. In nearly all states, it’s clear that employers are free to fire employees for being under the influence of marijuana at work.

Is it illegal to be under the influence of alcohol at work?

They should also know the implications of not tackling abuse. It is illegal if: an employee under the influence of excess alcohol is knowingly allowed to work (Health and Safety at Work Act); controlled substances are produced, supplied or used on an employer’s premises (The Misuse of Drugs Act);

Can you refuse a drugs test at work?

Refusing to be tested If you have not signed up to a drug testing policy you can refuse to be tested and your employer is not allowed to take any action against you. However, you should be aware that refusal may make your employer suspicious of your reasons for saying no.

How many people are under the influence at work?

— Workplace alcohol use and impairment directly affects an estimated 15 percent of the U.S. workforce, or 19.2 million workers, according to a recent study conducted at the University at Buffalo’s Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) and reported in the current issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol.

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