How do I view PHP error logs?

How do I view PHP error logs?

Look for the entry Configuration File (php. Find the Error handling and logging section of the php. ini file. Make sure that both display_errors = On, display_startup_errors = On and log_errors = On are present and uncommented. Check the value of error_log – this tells you the location of the file errors are logged to.

How do I enable PHP error logging?

To enable error logging for your site or application, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the php. ini file on your server.
  2. Look for the line containing the error_reporting entry.
  3. Ensure there is not a semicolon (;) in front of the entry.
  4. Set the error_reporting entry equal to the desired level of logging (covered next).

Where do PHP errors go?

By default, whenever an error or exception is thrown, PHP sends the error message directly to the user via STDOUT. In a command-line environment, this means that errors are rendered in the terminal. In a web environment, errors and exceptions get displayed directly in the browser.

Can I delete PHP error log?

It is entirely safe to just delete the php. log file. It will be auto-created the next time it is needed.

Where can I find error logs?

The name and the location of the log is set by the ErrorLog command and the default apache access log file locations are:

  • RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux Apache access log file location – /var/log/httpd/error_log.
  • Debian / Ubuntu Linux Apache access log file location – /var/log/apache2/error.

How do I check error logs?


  1. Click on Start button and then click on Search Box.
  2. In this search box, type “Even Viewer“.
  3. Click on “Windows Log “ in left pane and then double click on “Application” in right pane.
  4. Here you’ll get three types of error logs: Informative, Warring and Failed errors logs.

How do I fix PHP errors?

Editing the php. ini to Display Errors

  1. Log into your cPanel.
  2. Go to the File Manager.
  3. Find the “Error handling and logging” section in the php.ini.
  4. Next you can set the display_errors variable to On or Off to either show the errors on your website or not.

How do I turn off PHP error reporting?

To turn off or disable error reporting in PHP, set the value to zero. For example, use the code snippet:

How do I log information in PHP?

Log messages can be generated manually by calling error_log() or automatically when notices, warnings, or errors come up during execution. By default, the error log in PHP is disabled. You can enable the error log in one of two ways: by editing php. ini or by using ini_set.

How do I show PHP errors in Chrome?

A: You can easily debug PHP in Chrome using a simple extension called PHP Console. Just install this PHP debugging tool from the Chrome web store and start logging errors, warnings, exceptions, and vars dump on your Chrome browser.

Can I delete error log?

If you are not going to use them you can delete it. I would recomend you to delete all logs but not the current one, and if you can I should use log rotate. Show activity on this post. If in use, deleting the log will make apache reload to re-open the just deleted file.

Why is an error log useful?

Error logs are useful in many respects. In the case of servers and office networks, error logs track issues faced by users and help in root causes analysis of those issues. A network or system administrator can resolve errors more quickly and easily with the information available from the error logs.

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