How do I start learning Chinese for beginners?

How do I start learning Chinese for beginners?

What’s the Best Way to Start Learning Chinese?

  1. Step 1: Determine if Learning Mandarin Chinese is Right for You.
  2. Step 2: Find Some Chinese Learning Materials.
  3. Step 3: Learn Pinyin.
  4. Step 4: Start Speaking in Chinese.
  5. Step 5: Start listening to Chinese During Your Commute.
  6. Step 6: Get Your Head Around Chinese Tones.

How can I learn Chinese language by myself?

Here are some of the best resources available today for learning Chinese by yourself.

  1. Use music videos. Using music is one of the best ways to learn a new language because it’s fun and interesting!
  2. Regularly meet with a conversation partner.
  3. Watch Chinese shows with subtitles.
  4. Listen to audiobooks.
  5. Listen to podcasts.

What are the basic Chinese words?

Basic Mandarin Chinese Words and Phrases

  • Hello: Nǐhǎo (Nee how)
  • Thank you: Xièxiè (Shieh-shieh)
  • You’re welcome: Bù kèqì (Boo kuh-chi)
  • Good morning: Zǎo (Zhow)
  • Goodnight: Wǎn’ān (One-un)
  • My name is…: Wǒ jiào… (
  • My friend’s name is…: Wǒ de péngyǒu jiào…

What should I learn first in Chinese?

The 4 Mandarin Tones Mastery of the four Mandarin tones is the essential first step to learning this language. The four Mandarin tones are high and level, rising, falling then rising, and falling. You must be able to pronounce and understand the Mandarin Tones.

Should I learn Mandarin or Korean?

Relatively, Korean would be an easier language to learn. Thanks to its phonetic alphabet and more simplistic grammar rules, Korean is not the most challenging Asian language to learn. Chinese on the other hand is much more widely spoken. This means that finding study materials and practice partners would be easier.

Is Chinese easy to learn?

When it comes to the issue of grammatical complexity, Chinese is really one of the easiest languages there is to learn. Unlike most European languages, it does not feature complicated constructs like cases and genders. It also treats tenses in a very simplistic way.

Are PDFs a good way to learn Chinese?

So, while PDFs are a great start, know that they are only part of the language learning journey of Chinese. These PDFs come from the TutorMandarin Beginner 1 Spoken Chinese course. The course is designed around HSK standards (the HanYu Shuiping Kaoshi or “Chinese Proficiency Test”).

What is the Chinese language for Beginners program?

Aimed at children aged 8+, but of appeal to beginners of all ages, it will teach you all the words and phrases you’ll need to get by in China, so you can introduce yourself, read and write numbers, and chat about the weather, food, and interests.

Where can I find a PDF of the Beginner 1 spoken Chinese?

These PDFs come from the TutorMandarin Beginner 1 Spoken Chinese course. The course is designed around HSK standards (the HanYu Shuiping Kaoshi or “Chinese Proficiency Test”).

What is the best way to learn Chinese?

My method of mastering Chinese is one that may work when studying many other languages: learn full sentences, not single words or characters. This strategy is especially useful when learning Chinese as the whole grammatical structure of Mandarin is so strikingly different to Western languages like English, French or German.

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