How do I return a SQL resultset from a stored procedure?

How do I return a SQL resultset from a stored procedure?

To return a result set from an SQL procedure:

  1. Specify the DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
  2. DECLARE the cursor using the WITH RETURN clause.
  3. Open the cursor in the SQL procedure.
  4. Keep the cursor open for the client application – do not close it.

How do you return a table from a stored procedure in Postgres?

To return a table from the function, you use RETURNS TABLE syntax and specify the columns of the table. Each column is separated by a comma (, ). In the function, we return a query that is a result of a SELECT statement.

Can we call stored procedure from function in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQLâ„¢ supports two types of stored objects, functions that can return a result value and – starting from v11 – procedures that can perform transaction control.

How do you call a stored procedure in PostgreSQL?

To execute PROCEDURE in PostgreSQL, use the CALL statement instead of SELECT statement. This is one of the differences between PROCEDURE and FUNCTION. postgres=# CALL procedure1 ( ‘ CREATE PROCEDURE functionality supported in PostgreSQL 11! ‘ );

How do you return a value from a stored procedure in SQL Server?

What is Return Value in SQL Server Stored Procedure?

  1. Right Click and select Execute Stored Procedure.
  2. If the procedure, expects parameters, provide the values and click OK.
  3. Along with the result that you expect, the stored procedure also returns a Return Value = 0.

How can I return two values from a stored procedure?

In order to fetch the multiple returned values from the Stored Procedure, you need to make use of a variable with data type and size same as the Output parameter and pass it as Output parameter using OUTPUT keyword. You can also make use of the Split function to split the comma separated (delimited) values into rows.

Does stored procedure return value in PostgreSQL?

A PROCEDURE can return values, but in a very limited fashion (as of Postgres 13). The manual on CALL : CALL executes a procedure. If the procedure has any output parameters, then a result row will be returned, containing the values of those parameters.

What is return query in Postgres?

RETURN QUERY appends the results of executing a query to the function’s result set. RETURN NEXT and RETURN QUERY can be freely intermixed in a single set-returning function, in which case their results will be concatenated.

Why we use stored procedure in PostgreSQL?

Advantages of using PostgreSQL stored procedures: Increase application performance because the user-defined functions and stored procedures are pre-compiled and stored in the PostgreSQL database server. Reusable in many applications. Once you develop a function, you can reuse it in any applications.

What is the difference between stored procedure and function in PostgreSQL?

In Postgres, the main functional difference between a function and a stored procedure is that a function returns a result, whereas a stored procedure does not. This is because the intention behind a stored procedure is to perform some sort of activity and then finish, which would then return control to the caller.

Why Stored procedures are used?

A stored procedure provides an important layer of security between the user interface and the database. It supports security through data access controls because end users may enter or change data, but do not write procedures.

Can a stored procedure return a value?

In default, when we execute a stored procedure in SQL Server, it returns an integer value and this value indicates the execution status of the stored procedure. The 0 value indicates, the procedure is completed successfully and the non-zero values indicate an error.

How to return a value from a stored procedure?

In case you want to return a value from a stored procedure, you can use output parameters. The final values of the output parameters will be returned to the caller. And then I found a difference between function and stored procedure at DZone:

Can a PostgreSQL procedure end without a return statement?

7 Following the docson Postgres 11 (bold emphasis mine): A procedure does not have a return value. A procedure can therefore end without a RETURN statement. If a RETURN statement is desired to exit the code early, then NULL must be returned. Returning any other value will result in an error.

What is the return value of a Postgres 11 procedure?

Following the docs on Postgres 11 (bold emphasis mine): A procedure does not have a return value. A procedure can therefore end without a RETURN statement. If a RETURN statement is desired to exit the code early, then NULL must be returned.

Does PostgreSQL support stored procedures?

PostgreSQL supports stored procedure (not function) since version 11. I created a stored procedure like this: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_user_list () LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ SELECT “id”, “username”, “display_name” FROM “user” ORDER BY “created_at” ASC; $$;

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