Does India have a strategic culture?

Does India have a strategic culture?

Is there a strategic culture in India? Actually, yes. There are core strategic values that India has embraced and lived by since Independence despite changes in strategic, foreign and security policies.

What is meant by strategic culture?

Ken Booth defined strategic culture as “a nation’s traditions, values, attitudes, patterns of behavior, habits, symbols, achievements and particular ways of adapting to the environment and solving problems with respect to the threat and use of force” (1990, p. 121).

What is strategic culture in international relations?

Strategic culture is an alternative perspective of international relations arising from the failure of neorealism in explaining state behavior in the Cold War era. In its development, there are three generations of strategic culture that have different views regarding what is a strategic culture.

What does the American strategic culture emphasize?

American strategic culture emphasizes liberal idealism and views war as a discontinuation of policy. American military culture, the so- called “American way of war”, emphasizes direct strategies, an industrial approach to war, and firepower- and technology intensive approaches to combat.

What is the importance of strategic culture?

Strategic culture provides an analytical lens through which to better view the continuities underlying international crises and the motivations of a state’s actions. Often these are undergirded by a state’s historical tendency to preserve its perceived spheres of influence.

What are the elements of strategic culture?

Lord identifies six factors which created a strategic culture: the geopolitical setting, military history, international relationships, political culture and ideology, the nature of civil-military relations and military technology12.

Why is the study of strategic culture important?

Policy relevance The study of strategic culture teaches us how to understand and interpret state and military action, how to locate particular manoeuvres in a wider historical context, and consequently, how to better predict state behavior.

What type of problem does strategic decision making involve?

Strategic decision-making determines the objectives, resources and policies of the organisation. A major problem at this level of decision making is predicting the future of the organisation and its environment and matching the characteristics of the organisation to the environment.

Who is the father of modern strategy?

Professor Porter
Professor Porter is generally recognized as the father of the modern strategy field, and has been identified in a variety of rankings and surveys as the world’s most influential thinker on management and competitiveness.

What are the sources of strategic culture?

The sources of a particular communitys strategic culture include geography, history, the world view of the regime religion, ideology, culture, economic factors, and the organization of government and military institutions. Analysis of U.S. strategy reveals a uniquely American strategic culture.

What are the 5 key characteristics of a strategic decision?

Each of the 5 Ps stands for a different approach to strategy:

  • Plan.
  • Ploy.
  • Pattern.
  • Position.
  • Perspective.

Who makes strategic decisions in an organization?

Strategic decisions are made by the top level management and by the strategists whereas the operational decisions are made by the managers at lower levels. Strategic decisions are related to the contribution to the organizational objectives and goals significantly.

What is the relationship between Indian strategic culture and jointness?

This paper attempts to place, Indian strategic culture and jointness in perspective and attempts to intertwine the two to achieve better integration of the services. Strategic culture may be just one of the view points from which jointness is examined; there are many others such as legacy, organizational theory and so on.

Where does Indian strategic culture get its ideas from?

And all of these elements of realist statecraft have found their way into Indian strategic culture. Thus, primarily endogenous ideational sources feed into India’s strategic culture. And that is true for the input of ‘idealist’ ideas as well.

What are the key strands of India’s security culture?

The key strands of India’s security culture are strategic sovereignty, military force as one of the many components of power; non-time bound goals and a nuanced approach to resolution of problems. From the definitional point of view, strategic culture has been variously denoted.

Is India’s strategic culture monolithic?

«India’s strategic culture is not monolithic, rather is mosaic-like, but as a composite is more distinct and coherent than that of most contemporary nation-states. This is due to its substantial continuity with the symbolism of pre-modern Indian state systems and threads of Hindu or Vedic civilization dating back several millennia […]

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