Can you refuse PKU testing?

Can you refuse PKU testing?

All states require screening to be performed on newborns, but most will allow parents to refuse for religious purposes. Any decision to decline or refuse testing should first be discussed with a health professional, since newborn screening is designed to protect the health of the baby.

Is PKU test mandatory?

Although PKU is rare, all newborns in the United States are required to get a PKU test. The test is easy, with virtually no health risk. But it can save a baby from lifelong brain damage and/or other serious health problems. If PKU is found early, following a special, low-protein/low-Phe diet can prevent complications.

When did PKU testing became mandatory?

But the reality is quite complex. This history of broad-based PKU screening began in 1963, when, following the invention of a vastly improved test to detect PKU in infants, Massachusetts became the first state to mandate screening—that is, to make screening of all newborns compulsory by law.

Why do parents refuse newborn screening?

You can refuse testing only if it is in conflict with your religious beliefs or practices. You must then sign the test refusal section on the newborn screen test form. By signing this form, It states that you “accept all responsibility and liability”.

Can PKU be prevented?

Because PKU is a genetic condition, it can’t be prevented or avoided. Genetic testing is the only way to determine if people carry the defective gene. Some people may carry the gene but not have PKU. These people are called carriers.

Is second PKU test necessary?

Some times, a second test is needed to help your doctor decide if your baby has one of these disorders. In many cases, the second test will be normal. However, if your baby does have one of the newborn screening disorders, early treatment will give him or her the best chance to grow up healthy.

Can phenylketonuria be prevented?

Can phenylketonuria be prevented or avoided? Because PKU is a genetic condition, it can’t be prevented or avoided. Genetic testing is the only way to determine if people carry the defective gene.

Who invented the PKU test?

Just over 50 years ago, Dr Robert Guthrie developed a simple screening test for phenylketonuria (PKU) that became the prototype for universal newborn screening programs.

Who had the first PKU?

Born Ivar Asbjörn Følling on August 23, 1888, he was raised on a farm in northern Norway. He was the youngest of five children.

What does PKU test for in newborns?

Newborn screening tests may include: Phenylketonuria (PKU). PKU is an inherited disease in which the body cannot metabolize a protein called phenylalanine. It is estimated that one in every 10,000 to 15,000 babies is born with PKU in the U.S. Without treatment, PKU can cause intellectual disability.

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