What are the disadvantages of pollination?

What are the disadvantages of pollination? Disadvantages of cross-pollination There is a high wastage of pollen grains that need to be produced to ensure fertilization occurs. There are high chances that the good qualities may get eliminated and unwanted characteristics may get added due to recombination of the genes. Why are my tomatoes flowering but […]

What are the 3 categories of community?

What are the 3 categories of community? There are three main types of communities; urban, suburban and rural. Why is a community Centre important? Community centres are important hubs across the country that give people an opportunity to socialise, learn and access key services. The more people who use, contribute to and donate money towards […]

How does the juvenile justice system work?

How does the juvenile justice system work? The juvenile justice process involves nine major decision points: (1) arrest, (2) referral to court, (3) diversion, (4) secure detention, (5) judicial waiver to adult criminal court, (6) case petitioning, (7) delinquency finding/adjudication, (8) probation, and (9) residential placement, including confinement in a … Why is justice so […]

Why is the juvenile justice system important?

Why is the juvenile justice system important? The primary goals of the juvenile justice system, in addition to maintaining public safety, are skill development, habilitation, rehabilitation, addressing treatment needs, and successful reintegration of youth into the community. Learn more about the juvenile justice process. What are the four types of cases handled by a juvenile […]

Do EMT basics drive the ambulance?

Do EMT basics drive the ambulance? Usually it is an EMT especially a new EMT that drives the ambulance. It’s usually why EMTs are referred to as ambulance drivers. But on a rig that only has two paramedics one will drive and the other will provide care. Without a patient the paramedic usually drives. How […]

What are the techniques used in drama?

What are the techniques used in drama? The 8 Best Known Acting Techniques Stanislavski Method. Classical Acting Technique. Method Acting Technique. Meisner Technique. Chekhov Technique. Practical Aesthetics Acting Technique. Uta Hagen Technique. Viola Spolin Technique. What is the process of Theatre? Process, in theatrical terms, is the coordination of the various members of the creative […]

Do professors make a lot of money?

Do professors make a lot of money? The lowest-paid 10 percent of all University Professors earn less than $38,290, while the highest-paid 10 percent are paid more than $168,270 per year. And Professors working at four-year institutions, whether private or public, earn higher salaries than those employed at two-year schools. Do teachers with a PhD […]

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