What is the salary of cruise ship employees?

What is the salary of cruise ship employees?

Cruise Ship Worker Salary

Annual Salary Weekly Pay
Top Earners $96,000 $1,846
75th Percentile $55,000 $1,057
Average $48,404 $930
25th Percentile $26,500 $509

Do cruise ship jobs pay well?

There’s a big gap between the highest-paid and lowest-paid cruise-ship workers. Business Insider spoke with 35 current and former cruise-ship employees, who reported monthly earnings between $500 and $10,000. Some 40% said their monthly earnings were equal to or less than $2,000.

What is the highest position in cruise ship?

Captain / Master The Captain is the highest ranking officer and the Master of the cruise ship.

How many hours a day do cruise ship workers work?

10-13 hours
After each contract you will receive approximately 60 days of vacation before your next assignment. Your daily work schedule while onboard will depend on your particular position, but you can expect to work seven days a week and anywhere between 10-13 hours per day.

Is Tattoo allowed in cruise ship?

The general rule is that tattoos should not be visible when cruise ship crews are in their uniform and in passenger areas. For staffs who wear shorts, skirts, or short-sleeve shirts, this would apply to tattoos and other body art on their calves, shins, forearms, and perhaps even their ankles.

Who is the boss on a cruise ship?

The Captain He is the head man of the crew, and father figure to everyone on board, passengers and staff alike.

How many hours do cruise workers work?

Your daily work schedule while onboard will depend on your particular position, but you can expect to work seven days a week and anywhere between 10-13 hours per day.

Where do cruise ship workers sleep?

crew cabins
Unlike guest staterooms, crew cabins are pretty small and usually located on deck 0, or below the sea level – deck A and B. Most of the crew cabins don’t have portholes (windows) – this luxury is reserved for some staff and officers – so for first-time crew members this might be a little confusing.

What is the age limit for cruise ships?

21 years of age
On sailings from the U.S., cruisers must be at least 21 years of age to cruise alone. Otherwise, they must be married or travel with an adult who is at least 21 years of age.

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