What are the impact of Internet on traditional business?

What are the impact of Internet on traditional business? – The Internet provides a faster setting of user needs, product testing, better product customization and shorter life cycle of a product. Genuine product on the Internet has been replaced by product information which itself creates value for the consumer. What impact Internet leaves on business? […]

What is a visual text example?

What is a visual text example? Visual texts are texts in which meaning is shaped and communicated by images rather than words. Examples of visual texts include picture books, cartoons, billboards, photographs, advertisements, artworks, DVD & book covers, web pages and illustrations. What is the process of formal analysis? Formal analysis is a specific type […]

Why is the Internet so addicting?

Why is the Internet so addicting? Research indicates that problematic internet use is linked with structural changes to the brain. For example, neuroimaging studies show that online gaming addiction is associated with decreased volumes of brain tissue in areas responsible for impulse control, emotional regulation, and decision making. How does internet addiction affect our lives? […]

What is a memo format and when it is used?

What is a memo format and when it is used? Short for memorandum, a memo is a type of document used to communicate with others in the same organization. Memos (or memoranda) are typically used for fairly short messages of one page or less, but informal reports of several pages may also employ memo format. […]

Can I make a request meaning?

Can I make a request meaning? When we make a request, we ask someone for something, or we ask someone to do something. … There are different ways of asking for something. We usually ask for something in a polite and indirect way, for example, using can, could, would you mind if and may: … […]

Who is the writer of democracy?

Who is the writer of democracy? Democracy: An American Novel is a political novel written by Henry Brooks Adams and published anonymously in 1880. Only after the writer’s death in 1918 did his publisher reveal Adams’s authorship although, upon publication, the novel had immediately become popular. What did the word democracy originate? The word ‘democracy’ […]

How do you use sources in a speech?

How do you use sources in a speech? General Tips:Tell the audience your source before you use the information (the opposite of in-text citations).Do not say, “quote, unquote” when you offer a direct quotation. Provide enough information about each source so that your audience could, with a little effort, find them. How do you end […]

What happens if you plagiarize in college?

What happens if you plagiarize in college? If you unintentionally plagiarize, and you have no previous infractions, then most colleges will lower your grade or fail you for the course. You might also be required to attend a workshop on plagiarism and how to prevent it. Some universities might place you on disciplinary probation. Do […]

How do I add a nickname?

How do I add a nickname? Edit your nicknameOn your Android phone or tablet, say “Hey Google, open Assistant settings” or go to Assistant settings.Tap Basic info Nickname Edit .Make your changes.Tap Ok. What is phone nickname? Personalizing each device with a name can make it quicker and easier to identify the user and type […]

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