How can I write biography of Mahatma Gandhi?

How can I write biography of Mahatma Gandhi? Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) was born on Octo, into a Hindu Modh family in Porbanadar, Gujarat, India. His father, named Karamchand Gandhi, was the Chief Minister (diwan) of the city of Porbanadar. His mother, named Putlibai, was the fourth wife; the previous three wives died in […]

How do I train myself to stay calm?

How do I train myself to stay calm? Here are some helpful, actionable tips you can try the next time you need to calm down.Breathe. Admit that you’re anxious or angry. Challenge your thoughts. Release the anxiety or anger. Visualize yourself calm. Think it through. Listen to music. Change your focus. Can writing relieve stress? […]

What is credibility in writing?

What is credibility in writing? Credibility is the level of trustworthiness and authority that a reader perceives a writer has on a subject and is one of the key characteristics of effective writing, particularly argumentative writing. Without credibility a writer’s ideas are easily dismissed. How do you build Speaker credibility? The following strategies can help […]

Why does making choices matter?

Why does making choices matter? Why does choice matter? Choice is essential for our well-being, as it allows us to feel we have some control over our lives. However, managing too many choices can be detrimental in terms of time, energy and focus. However, many people save time and don’t even look for the best […]

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