Why is it important to avoid repetition?

Why is it important to avoid repetition?

Repetition and redundancy can cause problems at the level of either the entire paper or individual sentences. However, repetition is not always a problem as, when used properly, it can help your reader follow along.

How can you tell if you have autism?

Signs of autism in adultsfinding it hard to understand what others are thinking or feeling.getting very anxious about social situations.finding it hard to make friends or preferring to be on your own.seeming blunt, rude or not interested in others without meaning to.finding it hard to say how you feel.

What is the main cause of autism?

Genetics. Several different genes appear to be involved in autism spectrum disorder. For some children, autism spectrum disorder can be associated with a genetic disorder, such as Rett syndrome or fragile X syndrome. For other children, genetic changes (mutations) may increase the risk of autism spectrum disorder.

Are you born autistic or does it develop?

Age Limit for Autism Development Older children, teens, and adults do not develop autism. In fact, to qualify for an autism spectrum diagnosis, you must have symptoms that appear during early childhood (i.e., before age 3).

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