Why did Del Boy say mangetout?

Why did Del Boy say mangetout?

“Mange tout” Del Boy’s meaning: No problem.

Was Del Boy meant to fall through the bar?

Del Boy falling over in the bar is a timeless piece of comedy from Only Fools and Horses, but this man’s fall clearly was not scripted. At The Arden Inn pub in Accrington this weekend a man who thought he was leaning back onto a pool table was sorely mistaken, and the whole thing was caught on CCTV.

What French phrases did Del Boy use?

9 of Del Boy’s greatest French phrases

  • Pot Pourri – Delboy meaning: I don’t believe it.
  • Au contraire – Delboy meaning: Hang on a minute.
  • Bain marie – Delboy meaning: No problem.
  • Bonnet de douche – Delboy meaning: Excellent.
  • Chateauneuf du Pape – Delboy meaning: It’s all gone crazy.

What is the Only Fools and Horses episode when Del falls through the bar?

Yuppy Love
Del Boy falls through the bar in true hilarious OFAH style. “Yuppy Love” was the first episode in the 6th series of Only Fools And Horses, airing on the 8th January 1989, starting at 7:15pm on BBC1, with a viewing figure of 13.9 million, even if “Dates” has been considered the official first episode of the 6th series.

Why is Del Boy Called delboy?

Derek Edward Trotter was born on the 10 December 1945 in Orchard Street, Peckham, South London to Reg Trotter and his wife Joan Mavis Trotter, where Del was led to believe his birth was the most exciting thing since The Blitz. He was named after his two grandfathers Derek and Edward.

What does Fabrique Belgique meaning?

I agree or approve in Belgium
fabrique belgique – I agree or approve in Belgium.

Who was first choice for Del Boy?

actor Enn Reitel
First choice to play Del Boy was the actor Enn Reitel, but he was tied up with other work. Next to be approached was future Oscar-winner Jim Broadbent, who also turned down the role.

Why does Del Boy say Gordon Bennett?

Background. The expression is thought to derive from the controversial reputation of James Gordon Bennett Jr. (1841–1918), son of Scottish-born James Gordon Bennett Sr. founder and publisher of the New York Herald.

What cocktail does Del Boy drink?

Del Boy orders a Baileys and Cherryade. That cocktail would not work as the Cherryade is a carbonated drink and it would curdle the Baileys. Del Boy orders a Baileys and Cherryade. that cocktail would not work as the cherryade is a carbonated drink and it would curdle the Baileys.

Where did Rodney meet Cassandra?

The two first met when Rodney accidentally took her raincoat from the cloakroom, thinking it was his. They met again at a disco later that evening, at which Rodney’s friends Mickey Pearce and Jevon unsuccessfully asked her for a dance.

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