Who is rarity in love with MLP?
Rarity is one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and the love interest of Spike.
Who does Big Mac marry?
Sugar Belle
Cake’s efforts to help get in the way. Eventually, Big Mac and Sugar Belle both propose to each other, and they get married at the end of the episode. Big Mac getting married to Sugar Belle.
Do adults watch My Little Pony?
(Memphis) Hundreds of adults in the Mid-South are part of an international phenomenon, of adults obsessed with the cartoon, “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” Often called “Bronies,” the fans are usually adult men, but also include adult women.
How did Rainbow Dash get her key?
Soarin is accepted back on his team, and Spitfire gives Rainbow Dash a golden Wonderbolts pin as a token of her appreciation. The pin becomes a key with a cloud-shaped head and a lightning bolt-shaped stem with a jagged bit at the tip.
What episode of my Little Pony does rarity take Manehattan?
Rarity Takes Manehattan is the eighth episode of the fourth season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and the seventy-third episode overall. In this episode, Rarity gets into a fashion show competition in Manehattan against another designer.
What competition does rarity get into in the first episode?
In this episode, Rarity gets into a fashion show competition in Manehattan against another designer.
What does rarity sing about in Manehattan?
Rarity is so excited about being in Manehattan that she can’t help but sing about it. During the song, she shows generosity to a hotel bellhop, a grumpy stallion in a fedora, and a cabbie pony. Later, Rarity’s friends ask if there’s anything else they can do.
How did rarity get tickets to a sold out musical?
When the seven friends reach the bustling metropolis, Rarity mentions to her friends that she was able to get tickets to a sold-out musical by doing something nice for the musical’s costume designer.